Show Me Science Energy: Transforming Renewable Resources – Biomass & Solar Energy

Bio Fuels Facts

This program stresses the importance of caring for our environment and provides an overview of multiple energy sources such as biomass and solar energy. It documents how some states are trying to enact laws that require local power plants to increase their power provided by renewable energy. To preserve our planet’s health, scientists explore green projects involving ecologically friendly architecture and sustainable communities with solar homes and green housing developments.

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Benefits of Biomass Boilers

Biomass is a form of stored solar energy and is available in a number of different forms, such as wood, straw, energy crops, sewage sludge, waste organic materials and animal litter. This energy is released by burning or fermentation and distillation.

Of all possible renewable heating solutions, biomass has the potential to deliver some of the most significant and cost-effective carbon savings, particularly for commercial and industrial applications.

It can also stimulate local economic activity by creating fuel chains and make use of resources that would otherwise be treated as water and sent to landfill.

Biomass fuels are typically delivered as woodchips or wood pellets. These are available from The Engineering Support Partnership Ltd or uk-biomass that provide assistance with setting up competitive fuel supply contracts from third party distributors.

The benefits of using biomass boilers are that wood fuel can be characterised as carbon- neutral, these boilers provide a sustainable, efficient energy solution. The biomass boiler is the heart of the biomass heating system, and there are many different types, they are;

– Log boilers – some log-fired boilers are basic, but others are highly efficient and sophisticated systems. - Pellet boilers – wood pellets burn evenly as they do not contain much moisture. - Wood chip boilers – these are most suitable for medium and large scale installations.

The choice of boiler type is determined, in the first instance, by the fuel that is intended to be used, and then the level of automation required; this is a trade-off between convenience and cost.

A biomass heating system can be used for space heating of buildings, hot water production, steam production, or any combination of these and it primarily uses biomass as a fuel, some systems can also dual-fire with a fossil fuel to meet peak demands for back-up.

They can be used at almost any scale, from domestic through to ‘light’ commercial, to industrial or district heating systems.

The key elements of a whole biomass heating solution are:

• Fuel delivery • Fuel reception, storage, and extraction from storage to the boiler unit. • A specialised biomass boiler unit. • Ancillary equipment: flue (chimney), ash extraction mechanism, heat storage, connecting pipe work, expansion tank, fire dousing system, controls systems and possibly an integrated fossil fuel system.

From an operational perspective, one of the most notable differences between a biomass heating system and a conventional fossil fuel heating system is that the biomass boiler is best suited to being operated relatively continuously (between c.30% and 100% of its rated output). This method of operation will generate the greatest cost savings; this is because biomass fuels are cheaper than many fossil fuels. Cheaper fuel means cheaper running costs.

A biomass heating plant will be considerably larger in volume than an equivalently rated fossil-fuel plant due, to the inherent combustion characteristics of solid, organic materials.

The additional equipment such as the flue/chimney and ash handling is mostly determined by the type and size of the boiler, whilst the need for thermal stores for example, hot water cylinder and fossil fuel stand-by is determined by the site heat load and reaction times required.

To summarise; biomass heating systems can generate significant cost savings versus conventional heating. The degree of saving will vary depending on the particular system chosen. Furthermore the environmental benefits are a significant reduction in carbon emissions.

Biomass Electricity Myths Dispelled

There are plenty of myths associated with biomass power but don’t let these fallacies keep you from capitalizing on one of the most reliable green energy sources around.

Myth: Alternative energy sources are unreliable.

Truth: Some alternative energy sources are unreliable. For example, you can’t really depend on solar energy because:

• The sun doesn’t shine brightly every single day. You have to worry about cloud cover. • The cells that harness the solar energy are largely inefficient when it comes to storing energy.

Wind energy is also unreliable because:

• Wind speed can be inconsistent. • You have no control over it.

But this idea of unreliability becomes a myth when applied to biomass energy. Once you’ve found your raw materials and matched it with the correct biomass technology, biomass is reliable – as long as you carefully develop a plan for acquiring a consistent supply of biomass fuels.

Myth: You have to build a new power plant to create biomass electricity.

Truth: Thanks to a process known as co-firing, creating biomass power does not always require building a completely new power plant. Instead, a biomass energy company can design and install a system in an existing fossil fuel burning plant that will partially convert it to biomass, which will significantly reduce emissions and fossil fuel consumption. This is an attractive option for those already running power plants who do not wish to invest in brand new facilities.

Myth: It’s easy to match the proper biomass technology with your raw materials.

Truth: If you have no experience in biomass, figuring out what type of technology you need in your plant can be difficult. This is where most people go wrong. There have been numerous situations where a company implemented biomass technology, only to find they installed the wrong biomass technology. As a result, their new biomass system just sits there unused, millions of dollars flushed down the drain.

Where did they go wrong? They didn’t initially perform an adequate analysis of their raw material resource in order to determine what type of biomass technology was needed. Luckily, this mistake can easily be avoided. All you need to do is hire an experienced biomass engineering company to assist you in the planning process. They can help you match your biomass technology to the available fuels and improve your plants reliability. This cuts out any and all guesswork.

Myth: Only power companies can benefit from biomass power.

Truth: You don’t have to be a power company to capitalize on biomass advantages. Case in point: industrial facilities. An industrial facility creates waste throughout its production process. Ordinarily that waste would end up in a landfill. However, if the facility owners install a biomass system, they can use their waste to create electricity, which will in turn power their facilities. And they may even have enough left over to sell back to the grid.

Before you get involved in biomass power, sort the facts from the myths. You can easily do so by employing a biomass engineering company.