Biodiesel and Technology-Working Together For a Brighter Future

Biodiesel and Technology have for a long time seemed destined to avoid each other. Methods that have been in use for many years have prevailed whilst funding for newer technology has been slow in coming through. However recent events have led to a number of important breakthroughs which are having a positive effect on the manufacture of Biodiesel?

Until recently the only method of producing Biodiesel was by dissolving a catalyst in alcohol, a typical catalyst is sodium hydroxide and then mixing this with some type of vegetable oil such as rapeseed oil or waste vegetable oil from restaurants and factories. After being mixed for 2 hours the resulting liquid is allowed to stand for up to 24 hours.

During this time a chemical reaction takes place which creates Biodiesel and glycerin. The glycerin can be reprocessed or used for other products. All this is now starting to change. With new sources of oil and new processes being developed

The main thrust of technological innovation has been towards finding better and cheaper feedstuffs from which to manufacture high grade Biodiesel. Traditionally higher grade Biodiesel has relied on soybean oil and canola but due to their relative rarity production costs have been high and development has been held back.

Another area of attention has been the use of caustic chemicals in the manufacture of Biodiesel. Recent breakthroughs have resulted in companies producing systems where there are no caustic chemicals in use and as a result no toxic waste water is produced. In addition to helping the environment this can significantly reduce production costs.

In the coming years the popularity of Biodiesel will increase significantly. This in turn will lead to cheaper manufacturing kits and much cheaper production costs. One sector where Biodiesel and technology is being taken very seriously is by the car manufacturers. They are well aware that Biodiesel is far kinder to engines than petrol and people who have changed from petrol to Biodiesel very rarely notice and adverse effects. Although it is necessary to frequently change your fuel filter until the Biodiesel has thoroughly cleaned the engine.

Biodiesel Is fast becoming one of the fuels of the future and with more research it will undoubtedly become more readily available and cheaper. At long last it seems that Biodiesel and technology are finally working together.

Allison Thompson is a full time writer and researcher. She runs Article and Content Solutions who supply original and PLR Articles. If you would like to purchase articles like this one please go to

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