Biomass Fuels – Future Renewable Energy Source

There is a Biofuel making plant in Arizona that uses algae as its source for production. The plant is set up in a greenhouse like casing, allowing the sun to penetrate. The sunlight helps the algae grow. Long, clear, plastic bags flow down from the ceiling with flowing water. The algae grow inside of the plastic bags. The process is called vertebrae. The creator of the facility states, he could produce 30,000 gallons a year. If we took a tenth of New Mexico and filled it with algae growing facilities, they could produce enough these fuels for the entire country.

There are many controversies about creating the biomass. The different types of Biofuels that could be produced or are already in use, and resources that could be produced are listed:

Fossil fuels

Bio-diesel fuel from algae

Turning sunlight into liquid fuels

Using waste cooking oil to create fuels

Hydrogen fuel

Bio-based butanol

Biomass power

Thermo-chemical pathway


Studies of Bio-fuels are currently in progress all across America. Our focus for studying is to develop a “green” product that is safer for the environment and to establish a new source of energy for powering transportation vehicles. We are trying to become independent on our own energy resource to resign from depending on foreign country oil production. Depending on other countries for energy resources is putting America at danger of limitations and lack of power. Scientifically establishing our own resources puts America back on track for sustainable life.

The world wants to know how using biofuels will benefit them as a society. Researchers are heavily exploring all their alternatives, and trying to get patents for legal purposes. What if we became a completely biomass dependent country? What are the negative results of using these fuels? How can we propel and move forward with the new energy products? Will we be able to use them in future products? These are questions that might be asked as we dive into details of using and creating its. Only time will tell if these Alternative Energy will be safe and reliable for our country’s use.

Thanate Tan is a Blogaholic and also like to help our Earth with going green campaign.

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Questions to Ask a Biomass Energy Company

Are you looking to start generating biomass electricity? Doing so has many advantages, but it’s not something you just want to jump into. Your best bet is to find a biomass energy company and ask the following questions:

1. How long have you been working in the biomass industry?

You’re looking at spending a lot of money to venture into new territory and hopefully make sizeable profits. With so much on the line, it’s crucial that you choose a biomass energy company that has plenty of experience. Go with a company that has multiple decades in the industry. They’ve been down this road many times before, and will gladly guide you along the way-ensuring that you’re not entering the world of biomass power alone.

2. What aspects of the process do you handle?

There are many different phases involved with implementing a biomass electricity system. From feasibility assessments to design to implementation to overseeing installation-it’s a huge undertaking. So make sure you understand which phases the biomass energy company is planning on handling for you. And do yourself a favor: choose a company that will handle it all. That way you don’t have to worry about switching from one company to another in mid-project.

3. Do you deal with co-firing systems as well?

If you already have a plant that burns coal, you might not want to build an entirely new facility. Ask the biomass energy company about co-firing systems. If the company works in co-firing, you may find that you can benefit from burning biomass fuels simultaneously with the coal you’re already using. It’ll cost you less than an entire new system, while still allowing you to produce cleaner energy.

4. How much of your business is repeat business?

No matter what kind of service you’re looking for, you should always investigate a company’s customer service reputation. How can you do that? One way is ask about their customer retention rate. If most of their business is repeat business, then you know that they make clients happy. You also might want to ask to see customer testimonials. There’s nothing like hearing it from the source.

5. Can you review my current plan?

Do you already have a plan for obtaining raw materials to convert to biomass electricity? Before putting that plan into place, you should have a professional review it. A reputable biomass energy company will carefully analyze your plan to make sure it’s feasible. You never want to install a biomass energy system without fully understanding your fuel source. Doing so could result in losses of millions of dollars.

6. Can you help me identify a good local source for biomass fuels?

Want to generate biomass power, but not sure where to get your raw materials? Ask the biomass engineering company for help identifying a good source for biomass fuels. Some companies will perform an in-depth study to find the right source for you. And that’s the company you want to go with.

Once you find a biomass energy company that gives you satisfactory answers to the above questions, you’ll be on the road to benefiting from one of the best renewable energy sources available. Find a reliable biomass energy company today!

Biomass Energy – Not Just “Another Option”

When most people think of alternative sources of power, they think immediately of solar power or of windmills and wind power. However, there is actually another option for renewable, Earth-friendly energy. And it is one that has both been around longer than solar and wind power and one that, for a long time, supplied more renewable power than solar power and wind energy combined. This source of power is biomass energy.

Biomass energy (BE) is energy that comes from “biomass,” which is made up of material from plants as well as from animal wastes. Biomass power is one of the oldest sources of power. It is completely renewable because the sun provides energy for biomass power. It is also easy to grow and produce more biomass.

Sources of Biomass Energy

Because biomass is simply material from plants and animals and other organic waste products, there are a number of different sources of biomass. Some examples include residue from crops, sludge created by various organic waste products, scrap paper from paper mills, waste products and unused materials from recycling centers, and leftover scrap wood.

These things exist in abundance and can be readily reproduced and recreated, which is a large part of why BE is considered such a great source of renewable energy.

Various Uses of Biomass

Biomass can be put to use in a number of different ways. For example, biomass fuels can be burned in order to release natural heat energy, which you can subsequently harness. If you are already operating a coal-fired power plant, biomass power can be easily implemented into your existing plant by instituting a process called “co-firing.” Co-firing allows you to burn other products, such as biomass, in addition to coal.

Biomass power can also be used by people who operate any type of business that creates organic waste. Those operating such a facility can easily harness the power of waste products – ranging from paper mills to farms producing animal and plant waste products. These wastes can be used to create your own power, keeping the waste out of the landfill and helping to save money that might otherwise be spent on electricity.

Benefits of Biomass Energy

Aside from just being renewable and being good for the Earth, there are also plenty of other reasons to take advantage of BE.

Customers who are “green-conscious” may be more interested in buying products or using services from a “green” company that makes use of renewable energy.

Biomass energy is also convenient, helps to recycle carbon dioxide, is reliable, and can keep help make sure waste doesn’t end up in landfills. Finally and perhaps most importantly, the use of BE is one small step in breaking free of the U.S. reliance on foreign oil.

There is a lot to gain from BE and, because it is safe and reliable, there is little if anything to lose.

Know more about Biomass Energy and Biomass Fuels at

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Biomass Electricity Myths Dispelled

There are plenty of myths associated with biomass power but don’t let these fallacies keep you from capitalizing on one of the most reliable green energy sources around.

Myth: Alternative energy sources are unreliable.

Truth: Some alternative energy sources are unreliable. For example, you can’t really depend on solar energy because:

• The sun doesn’t shine brightly every single day. You have to worry about cloud cover. • The cells that harness the solar energy are largely inefficient when it comes to storing energy.

Wind energy is also unreliable because:

• Wind speed can be inconsistent. • You have no control over it.

But this idea of unreliability becomes a myth when applied to biomass energy. Once you’ve found your raw materials and matched it with the correct biomass technology, biomass is reliable – as long as you carefully develop a plan for acquiring a consistent supply of biomass fuels.

Myth: You have to build a new power plant to create biomass electricity.

Truth: Thanks to a process known as co-firing, creating biomass power does not always require building a completely new power plant. Instead, a biomass energy company can design and install a system in an existing fossil fuel burning plant that will partially convert it to biomass, which will significantly reduce emissions and fossil fuel consumption. This is an attractive option for those already running power plants who do not wish to invest in brand new facilities.

Myth: It’s easy to match the proper biomass technology with your raw materials.

Truth: If you have no experience in biomass, figuring out what type of technology you need in your plant can be difficult. This is where most people go wrong. There have been numerous situations where a company implemented biomass technology, only to find they installed the wrong biomass technology. As a result, their new biomass system just sits there unused, millions of dollars flushed down the drain.

Where did they go wrong? They didn’t initially perform an adequate analysis of their raw material resource in order to determine what type of biomass technology was needed. Luckily, this mistake can easily be avoided. All you need to do is hire an experienced biomass engineering company to assist you in the planning process. They can help you match your biomass technology to the available fuels and improve your plants reliability. This cuts out any and all guesswork.

Myth: Only power companies can benefit from biomass power.

Truth: You don’t have to be a power company to capitalize on biomass advantages. Case in point: industrial facilities. An industrial facility creates waste throughout its production process. Ordinarily that waste would end up in a landfill. However, if the facility owners install a biomass system, they can use their waste to create electricity, which will in turn power their facilities. And they may even have enough left over to sell back to the grid.

Before you get involved in biomass power, sort the facts from the myths. You can easily do so by employing a biomass engineering company.

An Investigation of Biomass Advantages

Thinking about getting involved in generating biomass power? Here are some details about the biomass advantage.

Who stands to benefit from producing biomass power?

There are three primary groups that stand to make large gains from biomass power. They are:

* Existing facility owners- Do you run a mill that produces wood waste? If so, don’t send the waste to a landfill ever again. Whether you know it or not, you’re producing biomass fuel as a byproduct of your everyday activities. A biomass engineering expert can help you set up a system to convert your wood waste into biomass electricity. * Public utilities- Already generate electricity? Then you’re the ideal candidate to benefit from biomass advantages. Why? Well, you don’t even have to build a new facility. A biomass energy company can come in, design, and implement a co-firing system in your plant that will allow you to turn a fraction of your power into biomass electricity, meeting changing “go-green” standards. Good for the environment and good for your company too! * Private developers-Private developers who want to make a good investment can also capitalize off biomass. When you pick the right setting, you can build a fully functional biomass power plant. Once it’s all completed, you sell it to someone else who is in the business of running them. You make a profit. They get the plant they wanted. Everyone stands to gain.

Which group do you fit into?

What are the biomass advantages?

Creating biomass power has many advantages. Here are just a few of them:

* It’s clean-When you burn biomass fuels, you reduce the poisonous gases that are typically released into the atmosphere through normal means of generating power. With global warming becoming such a key issue, it’s important to do what you can to stop it.* It’s easy to obtain-Biomass fuel sources are plentiful. You just have to know where to look. By hiring a biomass engineering firm to analyze available resources, you’ll be directed to a plentiful supply of biomass fuels. * It’s green yet reliable-You can’t run from it. Everyone’s pushing to find more sustainable energy resources. And biomass is sitting there right under your nose. Take advantage of a green fuel source that has been time tested.

When is the best time to convert to biomass energy?

In short, the time is now. The federal government is on the verge of cracking down on the energy industry. In order to meet changing federal regulations, it’s crucial that you produce sustainable energy. And with so many biomass advantages, you’d be hard pressed to find a better alternative.

Where is the best area to find biomass fuels?

That answer is different for every region. Your best bet is to employ a biomass energy company to perform a deep analysis of your area’s raw materials. They can identify reliable sources of biomass fuels for you. Don’t go it alone. By hiring one of these companies, you’ll ensure success.

Why should I care about biomass technology?

Well, first, it’s highly profitable. When you install the proper biomass technology for your raw materials, you’ll find that you can benefit from the many biomass advantages. And that’s not just in relation to cash profits. You also need to think about your company’s image. When you produce renewable energy, the public begins to see you in a better light. No longer are you just a power company. You become a leader in the fight against global warming.

The bottom line

There are plenty of biomass advantages for someone just like you to profit from. Contact a biomass energy company to get started.

Know more about Biomass Energy and Biomass Fuels at

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