Biomass Energy – Not Just “Another Option”

When most people think of alternative sources of power, they think immediately of solar power or of windmills and wind power. However, there is actually another option for renewable, Earth-friendly energy. And it is one that has both been around longer than solar and wind power and one that, for a long time, supplied more renewable power than solar power and wind energy combined. This source of power is biomass energy.

Biomass energy (BE) is energy that comes from “biomass,” which is made up of material from plants as well as from animal wastes. Biomass power is one of the oldest sources of power. It is completely renewable because the sun provides energy for biomass power. It is also easy to grow and produce more biomass.

Sources of Biomass Energy

Because biomass is simply material from plants and animals and other organic waste products, there are a number of different sources of biomass. Some examples include residue from crops, sludge created by various organic waste products, scrap paper from paper mills, waste products and unused materials from recycling centers, and leftover scrap wood.

These things exist in abundance and can be readily reproduced and recreated, which is a large part of why BE is considered such a great source of renewable energy.

Various Uses of Biomass

Biomass can be put to use in a number of different ways. For example, biomass fuels can be burned in order to release natural heat energy, which you can subsequently harness. If you are already operating a coal-fired power plant, biomass power can be easily implemented into your existing plant by instituting a process called “co-firing.” Co-firing allows you to burn other products, such as biomass, in addition to coal.

Biomass power can also be used by people who operate any type of business that creates organic waste. Those operating such a facility can easily harness the power of waste products – ranging from paper mills to farms producing animal and plant waste products. These wastes can be used to create your own power, keeping the waste out of the landfill and helping to save money that might otherwise be spent on electricity.

Benefits of Biomass Energy

Aside from just being renewable and being good for the Earth, there are also plenty of other reasons to take advantage of BE.

Customers who are “green-conscious” may be more interested in buying products or using services from a “green” company that makes use of renewable energy.

Biomass energy is also convenient, helps to recycle carbon dioxide, is reliable, and can keep help make sure waste doesn’t end up in landfills. Finally and perhaps most importantly, the use of BE is one small step in breaking free of the U.S. reliance on foreign oil.

There is a lot to gain from BE and, because it is safe and reliable, there is little if anything to lose.

Know more about Biomass Energy and Biomass Fuels at

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Benefits of Biomass Energy

From the very beginning of civilization biomass fuels were being used for the production of energy but from the last few decades, it has been a matter of great debate whether biomass energy is advantageous or not. With all the research and experiments scientists and researchers came to this result that it has many advantages over fossil fuels and it does help in reducing greenhouse effect.

Through this article we are going to discuss some basic advantages of such energy and what are the present steps that are being taken by different countries and organizations to make it popular.

Renewable source

Yes, the basic advantage of biomass energy is that it is renewable source of energy. It is derived from mostly plants and we all know that without plants there will be no life on this planet. So, as long as plants are going to be on this planet, there will a source for the production of these energy.

Reduces green house effect

Another great advantage of biomass energy over fossil fuels is that it helps in reducing green house effect.

It has been observed in the past, that people have raised questions on this very nature of biomass energy. The question is “in the production of biomass energy CO2 is released and also from fossil fuels CO2 is released, so how does this energy have advantage over fossil fuels?”

The basic difference is that all the CO2 which has been absorbed by plant for its growth is going back in atmosphere during its burning for the production of biomass energy while the CO2 produced from fossil fuels is only going to increase the green house effect. Fossil fuels not only produce CO2 but also sulphur dioxide and lead oxide during their burning which are very toxic gases.

Biomass also helps in controlling methane, another green house gas.

Fresh surrounding

The third advantage of biomass energy is that, it also helps in cleaning surrounding.

In the world of today with the increase in population, problem of disposing garbage is also increasing. For their own advantage people throw their garbage’s in river, nearby ocean or empty land which worsens our eco-system balance.

Whatever organic garbage’s are produced by human, animals and plants; they all can be used for the production of this energy and it helps in cleaning our surrounding.

Available in plenty

There is surely no doubt in this statement that biomass is available in plenty. Wherever we look, we can find the source of the production of biomass energy. This is also one of the great advantages of biomass energy over fossil fuel. As we all know that fossil fuels are not going to remain for next 500 years. Many researches are going in different nations to find a source of energy which is not only cheap but also available in plenty. Biomass energy truly is the answer for all their questions regarding seek of alternative form of energy.

So, know this information you can do your part in using biomass energy and help save the earth. Alternatively, you can also use other renewable resources such solar and wind energy. Use them in your homes and you will be able to save electricity and save money at the same time. How wonderful is that?

Yes, together we can save the earth and totally avoid global warming. With this in mind, we are going to increase the lifespan of our generations. Our children will be able to breathe fresher air and live life to the fullest because the earth is greener.

Let us spare some thoughts and take action to heal the world.

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All About Biomass

Where renewable energy sources are concerned, biomass is the newest member of the family. Nevertheless, it is gaining ground as a viable source of energy production in a world trying to rid itself of dependence on fossil fuels. For all intents and purposes, biomass uses the biological material from living organisms to produce energy. These materials are normally incinerated for the purposes of producing electricity or heat. Examples of such biological material include:

• waste wood• grain alcohol• yard clippings• hydrogen gas• certain components of normal, everyday garbage

Dedicated Biomass Production

Though biomass as a renewable energy source still largely depends on the incineration of “excess material” such as dead trees and yard clippings, materials for industrial use are being grown specifically for biomass purposes. Various plants such as switch grass, hemp, and corn are being grown on farms dedicated to supplying material for industrial biomass applications.

Despite the apparent success of dedicated biomass farming, there is some argument as to whether the energy benefit from such practices is greater than the energy output required to grow the material. There are also questions about the ethical justification of using agricultural land that could produce food for the world’s hungry for biomass production instead.

Biomass in the Fuel Industry

Over the last several years biomass energy has made great inroads into the automotive industry as a fuel source. Engines that can operate on both fossil fuels and biomass fuels are being produced and brought to market. Ethyl alcohol, made from common corn, is an alternative fuel that has been slowly making its way to both urban and suburban gas stations across the country. While the efficiency of biomass fuel tends to be somewhat less, the cheaper cost of the fuel itself still makes it an attractive option to green-minded drivers.

This past summer however, corn prices increased around the world as product was being diverted from the food industry into the biomass fuel industry. Governments in Europe and North America were heavily criticized for reducing the public availability of a food source in favor of fuel. Regardless of whether or not the criticisms were legitimate, the push for biomass fuel in the auto industry continues.

Biochemical Conversion

There is no perfect energy source which is both 100% efficient and 100% friendly to the environment. Where biomass is concerned, one of the biggest contradictions science is trying to overcome lies in the incineration process. Incineration releases CO2 into the atmosphere regardless of the material being burned. Biomass material doesn’t produce any less CO2 than fossil fuels, and in fact, in some cases it produces even more. A 2009 study of Asia’s frequently occurring “giant brown haze” revealed that the haze was caused more by biomass emissions than that of fossil fuels. This is but one example.

To combat the problem, scientists are developing biochemical conversion processes that can turn biomass material into energy without incineration. Biochemical conversion uses bacteria, enzymes, and other micro-organisms to convert biomass into energy. Other biochemical conversion methods are also being studied and developed in labs around the world. If science can overcome the CO2 issue, biomass looks to be a promising technology for the future of energy.

You can keep abreast of all the latest developments in biomass energy by visiting the Clean Green Energy Zone web site. For additional information about renewable and green energy in general, be sure to check out their Green Energy Center.

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Biomass Electricity Myths Dispelled

There are plenty of myths associated with biomass power but don’t let these fallacies keep you from capitalizing on one of the most reliable green energy sources around.

Myth: Alternative energy sources are unreliable.

Truth: Some alternative energy sources are unreliable. For example, you can’t really depend on solar energy because:

• The sun doesn’t shine brightly every single day. You have to worry about cloud cover. • The cells that harness the solar energy are largely inefficient when it comes to storing energy.

Wind energy is also unreliable because:

• Wind speed can be inconsistent. • You have no control over it.

But this idea of unreliability becomes a myth when applied to biomass energy. Once you’ve found your raw materials and matched it with the correct biomass technology, biomass is reliable – as long as you carefully develop a plan for acquiring a consistent supply of biomass fuels.

Myth: You have to build a new power plant to create biomass electricity.

Truth: Thanks to a process known as co-firing, creating biomass power does not always require building a completely new power plant. Instead, a biomass energy company can design and install a system in an existing fossil fuel burning plant that will partially convert it to biomass, which will significantly reduce emissions and fossil fuel consumption. This is an attractive option for those already running power plants who do not wish to invest in brand new facilities.

Myth: It’s easy to match the proper biomass technology with your raw materials.

Truth: If you have no experience in biomass, figuring out what type of technology you need in your plant can be difficult. This is where most people go wrong. There have been numerous situations where a company implemented biomass technology, only to find they installed the wrong biomass technology. As a result, their new biomass system just sits there unused, millions of dollars flushed down the drain.

Where did they go wrong? They didn’t initially perform an adequate analysis of their raw material resource in order to determine what type of biomass technology was needed. Luckily, this mistake can easily be avoided. All you need to do is hire an experienced biomass engineering company to assist you in the planning process. They can help you match your biomass technology to the available fuels and improve your plants reliability. This cuts out any and all guesswork.

Myth: Only power companies can benefit from biomass power.

Truth: You don’t have to be a power company to capitalize on biomass advantages. Case in point: industrial facilities. An industrial facility creates waste throughout its production process. Ordinarily that waste would end up in a landfill. However, if the facility owners install a biomass system, they can use their waste to create electricity, which will in turn power their facilities. And they may even have enough left over to sell back to the grid.

Before you get involved in biomass power, sort the facts from the myths. You can easily do so by employing a biomass engineering company.

An Investigation of Biomass Advantages

Thinking about getting involved in generating biomass power? Here are some details about the biomass advantage.

Who stands to benefit from producing biomass power?

There are three primary groups that stand to make large gains from biomass power. They are:

* Existing facility owners- Do you run a mill that produces wood waste? If so, don’t send the waste to a landfill ever again. Whether you know it or not, you’re producing biomass fuel as a byproduct of your everyday activities. A biomass engineering expert can help you set up a system to convert your wood waste into biomass electricity. * Public utilities- Already generate electricity? Then you’re the ideal candidate to benefit from biomass advantages. Why? Well, you don’t even have to build a new facility. A biomass energy company can come in, design, and implement a co-firing system in your plant that will allow you to turn a fraction of your power into biomass electricity, meeting changing “go-green” standards. Good for the environment and good for your company too! * Private developers-Private developers who want to make a good investment can also capitalize off biomass. When you pick the right setting, you can build a fully functional biomass power plant. Once it’s all completed, you sell it to someone else who is in the business of running them. You make a profit. They get the plant they wanted. Everyone stands to gain.

Which group do you fit into?

What are the biomass advantages?

Creating biomass power has many advantages. Here are just a few of them:

* It’s clean-When you burn biomass fuels, you reduce the poisonous gases that are typically released into the atmosphere through normal means of generating power. With global warming becoming such a key issue, it’s important to do what you can to stop it.* It’s easy to obtain-Biomass fuel sources are plentiful. You just have to know where to look. By hiring a biomass engineering firm to analyze available resources, you’ll be directed to a plentiful supply of biomass fuels. * It’s green yet reliable-You can’t run from it. Everyone’s pushing to find more sustainable energy resources. And biomass is sitting there right under your nose. Take advantage of a green fuel source that has been time tested.

When is the best time to convert to biomass energy?

In short, the time is now. The federal government is on the verge of cracking down on the energy industry. In order to meet changing federal regulations, it’s crucial that you produce sustainable energy. And with so many biomass advantages, you’d be hard pressed to find a better alternative.

Where is the best area to find biomass fuels?

That answer is different for every region. Your best bet is to employ a biomass energy company to perform a deep analysis of your area’s raw materials. They can identify reliable sources of biomass fuels for you. Don’t go it alone. By hiring one of these companies, you’ll ensure success.

Why should I care about biomass technology?

Well, first, it’s highly profitable. When you install the proper biomass technology for your raw materials, you’ll find that you can benefit from the many biomass advantages. And that’s not just in relation to cash profits. You also need to think about your company’s image. When you produce renewable energy, the public begins to see you in a better light. No longer are you just a power company. You become a leader in the fight against global warming.

The bottom line

There are plenty of biomass advantages for someone just like you to profit from. Contact a biomass energy company to get started.

Know more about Biomass Energy and Biomass Fuels at

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