Sustainable Housing Guide: Biomass Energy Explained

Going green, making life as eco-friendly as possible; of course there are simple steps and tricks to adapt every home and garden. Surely the biggest change to come will be that of energy – where will it come from? Solar panels? Biomass?

A great place to practically see renewable energy in a working environment is its use in contemporary sustainable housing. Modern eco-architects love nothing more than passive buildings i.e. zero carbon footprint, no energy input our damaging output. Indeed that case is fairly rare even now, but in the struggle to go 100% green those very designers are creating fantastic garden buildings that give a fabulous little insight into the future of eco-living.

But while it’s great to read the words “eco-friendly biomass water heater” who actually understand the workings behind them?

Smog and greenhouse gases are caused by the burning of fossil fuels which causes the production of harmful chemicals like COv(2) to be, in turn, released into the atmosphere.

Whilst biomass is technically a fuel, the rate at which COv(2) is released into the atmosphere during incineration is proportional to that removed from the atmosphere by new plant growth (plants which will be used as future biomass fuel), making biomass a zero carbon renewable energy source.

The most prevalent application of biomass in the home is for water heating. Biomass boilers are already a prevalent facet of eco-designed garden buildings, and their place in the modern home could encourage savings of around £450 annually.

The current immaturity of the UK biomass fuel market is a key consideration, however future eco-living will rely heavily on such renewable sources, making the use of fossil fuels in the home an obsolete practice. Although part of a burgeoning market, the technology and environmental applications of biomass fuel are mushrooming wonderfully year after year, ensuring its place in the future of contemporary eco-home design.

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An Introduction to Biomass Fuels

Do you dream of creating biomass power? If so, it’s important that you have a firm understanding of biomass fuels. The following should provide you with enough information to get you started on the path to generating clean, green power.

• Biomass fuels burn cleaner than fossil fuels—As everyone knows, burning fossil fuels pollutes the Earth’s atmosphere. But when you burn biomass fuels, you join the good fight against global warming. This is due to the fact that burning biomass fuel recycles carbon dioxide already in the carbon cycle, as opposed to burning coal, which releases carbon stored eons ago.  As a result, you produce less noxious fumes to pollute our air when you burn biomass. And not only that, but you will also positively affect your public perception. Everyone loves a “Green” company. 

• They’re one of the most reliable alternative energy fuel sources—One worry many people have when switching to alternative energy sources is their perceived lack of reliability.

Let’s face it—no one has found a fool-proof plan for harnessing the energy of the sun, making solar energy unreliable. The solar cells simply do not operate with a high level of efficiency. And when it comes to harnessing wind energy, you just can’t predict wind patterns well enough to rely on it as your sole energy source. However, with biomass it’s different. One of the biggest advantages to burning biomass fuels is that the raw materials needed are always being produced in the timber harvest process, where it’s called “waste.”

• You need to match proper biomass technology to your biomass fuel sources—Some people fail when it comes to using biomass fuels. And usually it’s for one simple reason—they don’t have the correct technology to properly process it. That’s why it’s a good idea to hire a biomass energy company experienced in analyzing raw materials and matching them with proper technology.

• A biomass energy engineering company can help you turn your ideas into money—You stand to benefit from doing business with a biomass energy company. That said, you need to make sure you pick one that has plenty of experience. There are lots of fly-by-night companies out there, but you want one that has been dealing with biomass fuels for decades. They’ll know how to handle all aspects of your project, ensuring financial success.

• Biomass fuels can be burned with fossil fuels through the process of co-firing—Some people think they can’t use biomass fuels because they own pre-existing power plants that burn coal or other fossil fuels. If that describes your line of thinking, then you need to look into co-firing. This option allows you to continue burning fossil fuels while simultaneously burning biomass fuels. The result? You cut down on fossil fuel use and can meet changing government energy regulations. There’s no need to build new facilities. You just adapt the system you already have in place.

Still interested? If so, the next step is a simple one. Find a biomass energy company that can help get you started.

Learn more about biomass energy and biomass technology at EvergreenEngineering.Com.

The Positives Associated With Biomass Power

Biomass power (BP) is one of the oldest sources of green power available, but it is as useful today as it was in the past. In fact, as government regulations tighten and as people become more concerned with doing their part to save the environment, BPr may be more relevant now than at any time in its long history. You owe it to yourself, your business and the earth to learn about BP and what it can do for you.

Using Biomass Power

Biomass power turns organic waste materials into a source of renewable green energy. Some companies already produce enough organic waste materials all on their own to provide them with all the power they need. For instance, paper companies produce organic waste that can be harnessed and turned into BP. By taking this waste and turning it into energy, these companies keep it out of landfills and also enjoy maximum savings as what was once trash now frees them from expensive energy bills.

Other companies-those who already have a coal-fired power plant in place-have a lot of the technology needed to get started with BP and can simply convert their existing infrastructure to operate with biomass at a relatively low cost. These companies can begin reaping the benefits of BP quickly.

Even if you do not produce enough organic waste on your own, or don’t have a coal-fired power plant in place, BP may still work for you and may help you to save significant money over the long term. An expert in BP can help you understand what your different options are for installing a system to create alternative energy and break free from the dependence on foreign oil.

Benefits of Biomass Power

The benefits of BP are many, with those who already have their organic waste or coal-fired systems in place reaping the biggest benefits since their initial costs will be lower. Further, in some cases, those who produce their own waste or who generate enough biomass energy can actually sell that energy, providing yet another significant reason to take advantage of biomass.

Everyone who installs BP benefits from access to a significantly less expensive alternative source of energy.

Biomass power also has some benefits when compared to other forms of alternative energy. For instance, biomass is extremely reliable and does not depend on access to sun or wind. There will be no loss in efficiency as compared to other forms of power either-you’ll have the energy you need, when you need it, without any worry.

Using BP can also help you to be prepared for the future. When government regulations tighten more, or gas, electricity and fuel become more expensive, you won’t have to worry about making changes under the gun or about becoming cash-strapped as you struggle to pay for the costs of power or energy. Instead, you will be able to rest easy knowing you have a low-cost, green and energy-efficient way to power your plant or business.

Find more information about Biomass Energy and Biomass Power visit at:

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What Are the Biomass Advantages?

The idea of going “green” is more than a hot trend. The fact is, the entire world is desperately searching for ways to make better use of the earth’s natural resources. And doing so means getting away from the use of fossil fuels. That said, biomass is one of the best ways to generate power in a cleaner manner. In fact, there are many biomass advantages. Here are just a few of them:

• Generating biomass electricity affects our environment in a positive manner-It’s a highly publicized fact that we’re on the verge of a complete crisis in regards to global warming. And one of the major causes of this crisis is all the carbon dioxide we’re releasing while burning fossil fuels. However, when you burn biomass fuels, you’re cutting down on noxious gas emissions. So if you choose to burn biomass, you’re doing something positive for the environment.

• Burning biomass can allow you to repurpose waste byproducts-If your industrial facilities generate reusable waste, you may capitalize on one of the largest biomass advantages. By installing the proper biomass system, you can burn your waste to create biomass electricity. In turn, you may be able to produce enough electricity to power all your facilities. Even better, you just might be able to sell some of that clean electricity back to the grid. Meanwhile, you’re keeping your waste by-products out of landfills. Everyone wins.

• You can meet changing energy regulations– Gone are the days when you could just burn fossil fuels with no repercussions. We have a real problem in our environment and the government is finally stepping in and laying down some rules. And the fact is, these rules are getting stricter. Companies that burn fossil fuels exclusively are going to find increased difficulty in meeting these changing energy regulations. However, switching to biomass energy can help you more easily meet those energy requirements.

• You can burn biomass without building new power plants-One of the greatest biomass advantages is that burning biomass fuels can occur simultaneously with burning fossil fuels in a process known as “co-firing.” With co-firing, you can cut your coal consumption dramatically. You’ll also still benefit from the other biomass advantages, such as recycling carbon dioxide. And at the same time, you’ll still be able to use the same facilities you have in the past, along with the same boiler.

If you think you might be able to capitalize on biomass advantages, then you need to find a reputable biomass energy company. They’ll be able to help you every step of the way. From analyzing your raw materials to planning your biomass technology to integrating your system, they’ll oversee all aspects of your project.

Just remember to look for a company with experience. And not just a few years-you need a company that has been involved with biomass energy creation for decades. When you find that company, give them a call and see how they can help you take advantage of biomass energy.

Learn more about biomass advantages and biomass energy at EvergreenEngineering.Com.

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Questions to Ask a Biomass Energy Company

Are you looking to start generating biomass electricity? Doing so has many advantages, but it’s not something you just want to jump into. Your best bet is to find a biomass energy company and ask the following questions:

1. How long have you been working in the biomass industry?

You’re looking at spending a lot of money to venture into new territory and hopefully make sizeable profits. With so much on the line, it’s crucial that you choose a biomass energy company that has plenty of experience. Go with a company that has multiple decades in the industry. They’ve been down this road many times before, and will gladly guide you along the way-ensuring that you’re not entering the world of biomass power alone.

2. What aspects of the process do you handle?

There are many different phases involved with implementing a biomass electricity system. From feasibility assessments to design to implementation to overseeing installation-it’s a huge undertaking. So make sure you understand which phases the biomass energy company is planning on handling for you. And do yourself a favor: choose a company that will handle it all. That way you don’t have to worry about switching from one company to another in mid-project.

3. Do you deal with co-firing systems as well?

If you already have a plant that burns coal, you might not want to build an entirely new facility. Ask the biomass energy company about co-firing systems. If the company works in co-firing, you may find that you can benefit from burning biomass fuels simultaneously with the coal you’re already using. It’ll cost you less than an entire new system, while still allowing you to produce cleaner energy.

4. How much of your business is repeat business?

No matter what kind of service you’re looking for, you should always investigate a company’s customer service reputation. How can you do that? One way is ask about their customer retention rate. If most of their business is repeat business, then you know that they make clients happy. You also might want to ask to see customer testimonials. There’s nothing like hearing it from the source.

5. Can you review my current plan?

Do you already have a plan for obtaining raw materials to convert to biomass electricity? Before putting that plan into place, you should have a professional review it. A reputable biomass energy company will carefully analyze your plan to make sure it’s feasible. You never want to install a biomass energy system without fully understanding your fuel source. Doing so could result in losses of millions of dollars.

6. Can you help me identify a good local source for biomass fuels?

Want to generate biomass power, but not sure where to get your raw materials? Ask the biomass engineering company for help identifying a good source for biomass fuels. Some companies will perform an in-depth study to find the right source for you. And that’s the company you want to go with.

Once you find a biomass energy company that gives you satisfactory answers to the above questions, you’ll be on the road to benefiting from one of the best renewable energy sources available. Find a reliable biomass energy company today!