Biofuels: Rushing Mother Nature

What’s standing in the way of taking biofuels from the forests to the highway? UBC Forestry Prof. Jack Saddler provides a sneak peek at what scientists are doing to bring biofuels to your local pump by 2020. From February 16-20, 2012, more than 8000 participants will convene at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Annual Meeting in Vancouver, Canada. Professor Jack Saddler is a speaker in the AAAS symposium Food, Feed, and Fuel: Optimizing Economic and Sustainable Biofuel Production. A film by Lemongrass Media Copyright UBC
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Gasoline, Diesel and Ethanol Biofuels from Grasses and Plants

Bio Fuels Facts

The world is currently faced with two significant problems: fossil fuel depletion and environmental degradation, which are continuously being exacerbated due to increasing global energy consumption. As a substitute for petroleum, renewable fuels have been receiving increasing attention due a variety of environmental, economic, and societal benefits. The first-generation biofuels – ethanol from sugar or corn and biodiesel from vegetable oils – are already on the market. The goal of this book is to introduce readers to second-generation biofuels obtained from non-food biomass, such as forest residue, agricultural residue, switch grass, corn stover, waste wood, municipal solid wastes, and so on. Various technologies are discussed, including cellulosic ethanol, biomass gasification, synthesis of diesel and gasoline, bio-crude by hydrothermal liquefaction, bio-oil by fast pyrolysis, and the upgradation of biofuel. This book strives to serve as a comprehensive document presenting various technological pathways and environmental and economic issues related to biofuels.

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BioFuel a Greener Energy Future

The growing global demand for energy has caused a steep rise in energy prices, notably for petroleum-based fuels which are the prime source of energy for most of the world’s power plants, machinery, and transportation. As more and more so-called “fossil fuels” are burned to create energy, there has also been a steep rise in the emission of polluting gases around the world. Personal automobiles are the main culprit, since they produce most of the cardon dioxide (CO2) released daily into the atmosphere. CO2 is considered a “greenhouse gas,” trapping heat from the sun at the surface of the earth much the way a greenhouse traps heat inside its glass walls.

Biofuels are by definition any fuel that, by being burned, can be converted to energy, and that is produced from a biological source. Since a biological source is also a renewable one, biofuels are reproducible. Unlike fossil fuels of which there is a fixed amount on earth, biofuels can continue to be produced so long as a source of biomass is available. The types of raw material that be converted into biofuel include organic plants, animals (especially animal fat), and even animal and human waste material.

One type of fuel already being produced from biological sources is biodiesel. This fuel, which burns cleaner than its petroleum-based cousin, can be used by most diesel engines without any need for conversion. Many companies are already involved in the production and distribution of a form of biodiesel known as B20. B20 is a mixture of petroleum-based diesel and biofuel “diesel equivalent.”

Biofuel is already being made from corn and soy, for example. But using corn and soy has correspondingly driven up the demand for both foods, which while being ideal for biofuel production, are also consumed as food by people around the globe. Using these foods for biofuel has pushed up their cost considerably, which in turn has created food shortages in some areas of the world. This has produced an unexpected quandary for biofuel proponents.

If biofuel is ever to become a true alternative to fossil fuels, a way is needed out of this quandary. One possibility is the use of algae as a biofuel foodstock. Algae have the advantage of being a non-food source which can be produced in areas not already being used to grow other types of food. Corn, soy and cottonseed must be grown on arable land. Algae can be grown in pools, in warm climates around the world, and acre per acre algae yield over a hundred times the quantity of biomass of soybeans.

Since algae take in, rather than produce, carbon dioxide, the very foodstock being used to create biofuel can itself be a cause for a reduction in a significant greenhouse gas. Algae biofuel farms could therefore benefit from a dual income stream. The first is from the sale of the algae itself to refineries for the production of biofuel. The second is income generated from the use of the algae farm as a consumer of other forms of pollution.

Some companies have recognized the benefit to poorer communities of developing the market for biofuels while at the same time encouraging the development of foodstock supplies such as algae farms. These companies are planning to encourage production of foodstock for biofuel in poorer countries to supply the energy needs of more developed areas of the world should raise everyone’s quality of life, both in economic terms and in terms of encouraging a cleaner global environment.

Mr. Naved Jafry is the head of Zeon Global Energy. Zeon is committed to produce and promote the biofuels []. For more information about ZEON please visit is a social network newswire service providing members with a wealth of applications that enable them to create an in depth profile within To create your profile  ( sign up and within minutes you too can have your People profile running your ads and building your network with new members daily.

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Agriculture-Based Biofuels: Overview and Emerging Issues

Bio Fuels Facts

Since the late 1970s, U.S. policymakers at both the federal and state levels have enacted a variety of incentives, regulations, and programs to encourage the production and use of agriculture-based biofuels. Initially, federal biofuels policies were developed to help kick-start the biofuels industry during its early development, when neither production capacity nor a market for the finished product was widely available. Federal policy has played a key role in helping to close the price gap between biofuels and cheaper petroleum fuels. Now, as the industry has evolved, other policy goals (e.g., national energy security, climate change concerns, support for rural economies) are cited by proponents as justification for continuing policy support.

The U.S. biofuels sector has responded to these government incentives by expanding output every year since 1996, with important implications for the domestic and international food and fuel sectors. The production of ethanol (the primary biofuel produced in the United States) has risen from about 175 million gallons in 1980 to 10.7 billion gallons per year in 2009. U.S. biodiesel production is much smaller than its ethanol counterpart, but has also shown strong growth, rising from 0.5 million gallons in 1999 to an estimated 776 million gallons in 2008 before being impeded by the nationwide financial crisis.

Despite this rapid growth, total agriculture-based biofuels production accounted for only about 4.3% of total U.S. transportation fuel consumption in 2009. Federal biofuels policies have had costs, including unintended market and environmental consequences and large federal outlays (estimated at to billion in 2009). Despite the direct and indirect costs of federal biofuels policy and the small role of biofuels as an energy source, the U.S. biofuels sector continues to push for greater federal involvement. But critics of federal policy intervention in the biofuels sector have also emerged.

Current issues and policy developments related to the U.S. biofuels sector that are of interest to Congress include the following:

• Many federal biofuels policies (e.g., tax credits and import tariffs) require routine congressional monitoring and occasional reconsideration in the form of reauthorization or new appropriations funding.

• The 10% ethanol-to-gasoline blend ratio—known as the “blend wall”—poses a barrier to expansion of ethanol use. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in October 2010, issued a waiver to allow ethanol blending (per gallon of gasoline) for standard engines of up to 15% for use in model year 2007 and newer light-duty motor vehicles. However, the vehicle limitation to newer models, coupled with infrastructure issues, is likely to limit rapid expansion of blending rates.

• The evolution of EPA’s methodology for estimating lifecycle greenhouse gas emission reductions of different biofuels production paths (relative to their petroleum counterparts) and the treatment of indirect land use changes will determine which biofuels qualify under the Renewable Fuel Standard.

The slow development of cellulosic biofuels has raised concerns about the industry’s ability to meet large federal usage mandates, which, in turn, has raised the potential for future EPA waivers of mandated biofuel volumes and has contributed to a cycle of slow investment in and development of the sector.Since the late 1970s, U.S. policymakers at both the federal and state levels have enacted a variety of incentives, regulations, and programs to encourage the production and use of agriculture-based biofuels. Initially, federal biofuels policies were developed to help kick-start the biofuels industry during its early development, when neither production capacity nor a market for the finished product was widely available. Federal policy has played a key role in helping to close the price gap between biofuels and cheaper petroleum fuels. Now, as the industry has evolved, other policy goals (e.g., national energy security, climate change concerns, support for rural economies) are cited by proponents as justification for continuing policy support.

The U.S. biofuels sector has responded to these government incentives by expanding output every year since 1996, with important implications for the domestic and international food and fuel sectors. The production of ethanol (the primary biofuel produced in the United States) has risen from about 175 million gallons in 1980 to 10.7 billion gallons per year in 2009. U.S. biodiesel production is much smaller than its ethanol counterpart, but has also shown strong growth, rising from 0.5 million gallons in 1999 to an estimated 776 million gallons in 2008 before being impeded by the nationwide financial crisis.

Despite this rapid growth, total agriculture-based biofuels production accounted for only about 4.3% of total U.S. transportation fuel consumption in 2009. Federal biofuels policies have had costs, including unintended market and environmental consequences and large federal outlays (estimated at to billion in 2009). Despite the direct and indirect costs of federal biofuels policy and the small role of biofuels as an energy source, the U.S. biofuels sector continues to push for greater federal involvement. But critics of federal policy intervention in the biofuels sector have also emerged.

Current issues and policy developments related to the U.S. biofuels sector that are of interest to Congress include the following:

• Many federal biofuels policies (e.g., tax credits and import tariffs) require routine congressional monitoring and occasional reconsideration in the form of reauthorization or new appropriations funding.

• The 10% ethanol-to-gasoline blend ratio—known as the “blend wall”—poses a barrier to expansion of ethanol use. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in October 2010, issued a waiver to allow ethanol blending (per gallon of gasoline) for standard engines of up to 15% for use in model year 2007 and newer light-duty motor vehicles. However, the vehicle limitation to newer models, coupled with infrastructure issues, is likely to limit rapid expansion of blending rates.

• The evolution of EPA’s methodology for estimating lifecycle greenhouse gas emission reductions of different biofuels production paths (relative to their petroleum counterparts) and the treatment of indirect land use changes will determine which biofuels qualify under the Renewable Fuel Standard.

The slow development of cellulosic biofuels has raised concerns about the industry’s ability to meet large federal usage mandates, which, in turn, has raised the potential for future EPA waivers of mandated biofuel volumes and has contributed to a cycle of slow investment in and development of the sector.

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