Corporations Eye The Future, And The Future Is Biodiesel

With the high price of oil, the unstable foreign oil countries, and with a renewed focus on the environment there has been much attention of late on finding an alternative fuel source. Biodiesel is nothing new, in fact it has been talked about and experimented on for close to a century, but has been the recipient of a lot of interest of late.

An alternative fuel source has been talked about for decades. The reasons different people have for looking for this alternative fuel source vary widely. It could be for environmental reasons, economic reasons, or even just the excitement of new technology. One thing is certain though, in the past when someone showed interest in biofuel technology it was usually a small group of environmentalists, a lone scientist, or a very small energy related startup company. Not true any longer as multinational corporations and entrepreneurial millionaires are jumping on the ever filling Biodiesel bandwagon.

From Ohio to Malaysia established biodiesel manufacturing plants are operating at capacity. So much that in recent months there has been announcements regarding huge Biodiesel manufacturing plant construction projects. Construction projects aimed at building Biodiesel manufacturing plants that can yield 50, 100, even 200 million gallons or more per year. All this is happening in the Biodiesel refining and manufacturing industry while the newest oil refinery built in The United States started operation in 1976.

Farmers large and small have also seen the trends and altered their growing plans. More farms are raising crops with their specific eye on the Biodiesel market. Soybeans, Corn, Rapeseed, and more are dotting the world’s landscape. Few experts would say that Biodiesel will one day replace petroleum based fuel as it is impractical to grow enough raw materials to fill the world’s fuel demands. But, anything that can make a dent in one of the world’s most established markets deserves notice.

Millionaires and corporations wouldn’t sink millions upon millions of dollars into a relatively new industry without believing that it would be profitable. Corporations are not known to be gamblers. Major corporations have buildings full of accountants and market analysts who are paid well to make sure that the corporation does not make a poor investment. The only reason that self-made millionaires and these multinational corporations would expend the manpower, time, and money to develop and construct Biodiesel manufacturing plants is that they believe there is money to be made. For there to be money to be made in the Biodiesel market, all these successful and knowledgeable people have not only seen that the growing and manufacturing processes are viable, but that there will be a market for their products. Without end users, the manufacturing of anything for resale is pointless.

So, why have millionaires and corporations invested so heavily lately in Biodiesel? Because they have seen the future, and the future is made up of a large number of consumers who for many different reasons are looking for an alternative-fuel. There needs to be no further evaluation on whether there is a future to the Biodiesel market. If there were no future to the Biodiesel market, then these investors and businesses would not be spending this kind of time and money on manufacturing a product that no one will buy. Continue manufacturing, the buyers are waiting.

Mark Allen is a strong supporter of the continued serch for a viable alternative-fuel. More information at

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Biodiesel, Fueling the Future

Imagine heading to the gas station and filling your gas tank with something other than petroleum. Many people don’t even realize that there is a potential option. Biodiesel is a fuel that is both clean burning and produced with renewable resources. Biodiesel is also biodegradable. It can be described as a diesel fuel that is made from a source other than petroleum.

Biodiesel can be created with either animal fats or simple vegetable oil. This particular fuel option isn’t a new concept, the idea was first brought up in Brussels in 1937, but it is gaining popularity and will likely become the fuel of the future. With the increasing fuel prices and a pending energy crisis looming, something has to change when it comes to filling our gas tanks. Some gas stations are already offering biodisel but very few people understand exactly what biodiesel is and how it will benefit the United Sates population.

The US Postal Service is already using biodiesel in its fleet. A popular misconception about biodiesel is that all engines will have to be retrofitted or redesigned. Not true, Biodisel will work in any diesel engine. It can also be blended for use in vehicles without diesel engines. Another benefit, biodiesel can be produced with United States grown products.

The United States will no longer have to rely on the Middle East for fuel and be dependent upon their resources. Our fuel prices and availability will not be contingent upon their government or politics. Using US grown products also gives the money back to the United States economy and not to the Middle Eastern governments. By producing this fuel on US soil, new jobs will be created, thus helping stimulate our economy. The farm industry will see tremendous growth as biodiesel will be using products grown on farms across our nation. Biodiesel is nontoxic and will be better for our already deteriorating air quality.

Studies have shown that the emissions produced by cars using biodiesel are almost nonexistent. Unlike petroleum, our daily driving will not be polluting the air we breathe or contributing to the greenhouse effect. Biodiesel is considered a high octane fuel. This means that it will help car engines work more efficiently and thus provide the owner with a higher engine performance.

A car’s engine will not be as loud and will last longer than if using petroleum based fuel. Currently, producing biodiesel is very expensive, but as the process is perfected and the idea becomes more popular with the public, prices should be lower. With the many benefits biodiesel offers to the car owners, the country and to our planet, biodiesel is certainly a very viable source of fuel for the future.

Visit our website to download a comprehensive guide on how to make biodiesel at home.

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Future of Energy: Biodiesel Generators

One of the most exciting new fuel solutions presented has to be biodiesel. For all people who have not heard about biodiesel, it is made from a combination of organic oils like corn, canola, or soy oil with other ingredients to produce a fuel that burns similar to diesel fuel used in vehicles. Biodiesel can even be combined with regular diesel to form a combination of the two fuels that is cleaner burning and safer.

Petroleum and oil are both fossil fuels that eventually run out, and with countries like China, India, and others starting to expand their society and add millions of vehicles and other gasoline powered machines, the supply will dwindle much faster. Thus biodiesel, a fuel that is made from organic oils, can be pretty much grown to meet higher supply and demand. This is one of biodiesel’s really strong points in that it is a highly renewable resource that also has less emissions so it is safer for the environment. Because organic materials used to make biodiesel can be grown, the farmers are supported by a bigger demand and the dependency on oil can be decreased. These points alone should make biodiesel a very great looking alternative fuel.

Biodiesel is currently being used more and more in all types of applications. Many cities are switching city vehicles and other emergency vehicles to use biodiesel as fuel source, thus decreasing cost and lowering pollution. Some gas stations already offer B20, a blend of biodiesel and 80% petrodiesel, that can be used in most diesel vehicles effectively and safely. Biodiesel can currently be used in most newer diesel engines without the need for major modifications or overhaul of the engine. This allows a quicker onset into the public than other fuel solutions. The abundance of many diesel fueled applications allows biodiesel to be used immediately to help cut costs and help the environment as well. Everything from cars, farm vehicles, generators, and a lot of other machines already can utilize biodiesel.

The future of biodiesel as a major energy source is definitely a great possibility. With more research on ways on developing and better utilizing biodiesel, it’s applications will greatly increase. Imagine being able to take cooking oil after frying something up, adding an additive to remove the smell and being able to use that waste oil as fuel for diesel engines. This can be the future of biodiesel and many restaurants that use a lot of frying oil can use this oil to fuel other appliances as diesel furnaces. The future of biodiesel as a major fuel source really depends on the fact that it is highly renewable and the great efficiency possible.

With the future of energy solutions still up for grabs, biodiesel will definitely be a contender. The emergence of new technology and the need to break the bonds developed from oil use will definitely push biodiesel usage up.

Jason Smith is the editor of, which provides consumer reviews, how-to’s, and uses for home and business power generators.

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Do It Yourself Guide to Biodiesel: Your Alternative Fuel Solution for Saving Money, Reducing Oil Dependency, and Helping the Planet

Do It Yourself Guide to Biodiesel: Your Alternative Fuel Solution for Saving Money, Reducing Oil Dependency, and Helping the Planet

Bio Fuels Facts


•Easy to make at home

•Cheaper than buying diesel

•Works in unmodified diesel engines

•Reduces the need for imported oil

•Decreases greenhouse gas emissions

If you are ready to start making your own biodiesel, then this book is for you. Do It Yourself Biodiesel provides up-to-date information, step-by-step instructions, and tried-and-true methods as well as helpful tips and tricks. With detailed photos, illustrations, and charts, this book makes it easy to understand the procedures and equipment you will need to make biodiesel at home—in small or large batches.

List Price: $ 15.95

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