Is A Biodiesel Plant Worth Investing In?

Biodiesel is exciting because it has the potential to save an extensive amount of money in fuel costs, not to mention easing our dependency on foreign oil and the impact on the environment that fossil fuel has had. A necessary component to making biodiesel fuel are processing plants. Because this technology is so new, the number of biodiesel plant manufacturers is very low. This is posing somewhat of a problem because mass production of biodiesel fuel cannot occur without a good number of biodiesel plants.

The production of biodiesel fuel can open up great investment opportunities. Think of how many types of vehicles use diesel fuel including cement mixers, school buses and farm vehicles. This is a huge volume of vehicles on the road that use diesel. Now think what the impact would be of all those vehicles using biodiesel. Now can you see the incredible investment opportunity that exists? In my opinion investing in a biodiesel plant is a great way to see tremendous profits come to you in the future.

Because this is such a new technology, you will probably not find the energy giants investing in a biodiesel plant anytime soon. That is why small start up companies are looking for investment capital. They need the funds for research and development. Raising money to build a biodiesel plant for processing purposes would require companies to obtain private equity investment venture capital. This means that you would be investing in a company that is not publicly traded, they are a private company. If you buy stock in a private company, you will sell or withdraw your shares. Instead, you receive dividend payments over a specified amount of time.

This type of investing is something that a lot of people do not have the stomach for because it is a risk. No one can say for certain that investing in a biodiesel plant will reap long term gains. But think of it this way. What are people and companies willing to do to save money of fuel and ease our dependency of foreign oil? It would seem like this technology is going to be around for a long time and may very well be the future of alternative fuel sources.

We’ve all heard of people who got in early on Adobe stock or IBM stock and have marveled at the apparent luck of those people. This may be an opportunity for others to get in on the ground floor of a huge opportunity.

Use a Biodiesel Blend

Most biodiesel fuel that is sold on the market is a blended fuel. A blended fuel includes additives and may even be partially mixed with petroleum. Pure biodiesel is not the best performing fuel in today’s vehicles that were made for use with traditional fuel and that is why blends are used.

Biodiesel blends are available at different levels. Some may offer only a fraction of actual biodiesel in them. Others may be mostly biodiesel. You should be able to easily find out the blend percentages at the station.

Blended biodiesel is a good option, just like biodiesel. It is still giving you many of the benefits and is still worth using over traditional diesel fuel.

Use a Blend

You should use a biodiesel blend because it is going to give you better performance. If you have used regular diesel before in your vehicle you could have issues if you switch to a pure biodiesel.

You may end up with a clogged fuel filter and the fuel may flow too slowly. You r best choice is a blended fuel.

Additionally, finding pure biodiesel is very difficult. Most pure forms are not approved through standards that allow them to be sold on the market. Short of making it yourself, you will find it very difficult to get pure biodiesel.

The Good Side of a Blend

Biodiesel blends are still beneficial. They still reduce pollution and reliance on petroleum. The use of biodiesel in diesel fuel means less petroleum used. Overall a blend is still as good as using pure biodiesel. The good side is that you will not have to contend with issues that can occur from using pure biodiesel, like clogs or freeze up.

Biodiesel blends are likely to continue to be the norm because manufactures are still making vehicles to run on traditional diesel.

Manufacturers only play to the markets trends. They are not likely to product biodiesel vehicles unless the public starts to really show reliance on biodiesel and that they are willing to use it.

Once the market shows signs on being more apt to use biodiesel then manufactures will respond. It is only then that a pure biodiesel fuel will become more readily available. To make that happen you should use biodiesel as much as possible even if that means using it in a blend. You will be able to help make biodiesel the fuel of the future.

Learn more about Biodiesel today. You can also learn how to make your own biodiesel by visiting this website for more information

Hemp Growth For future years!

Article by Smartbzs

It would appear that every single day it comes with an ever-growing focus placed on both environmental and economic sustainability for the planet. Whenever you consider it, it comes down as no real surprise given that oil is drained and our forests are now being reduce 3 times faster compared to what they can grow. This leaves us asking, “what on the planet will supply the way forward for our fuels and for future years?”

Population growth inevitably has the increased interest in fuels and materials. Wood, cotton and man-made materials are only a few which have faced huge supply challenges within the wake of the growing population. Petroleum and gasoline are becoming more costly each day, and therefore are drained just like quickly.

The requirement for alternative, renewable causes of fuel and materials is undeniable. Current trends claim that the consumption rates we’re adding to today are unsustainable and unhealthy for the planet as well as for ourselves.

Industrial hemp is a such alternative. Below is really a closer take a look at how Industrial Hemp can change the face area from the environment and economy forever:

Paper and fibre

When compared to average tree plantation, a crop of hemp exactly the same size will yield 4 times the raw fibre for production.

Time it requires for any hemp crop to mature and become cultivated is between 3-4 months. It will take a plantation of trees as much as Two decades to mature adequately for cultivation.

Tree paper are only able to be recycled no more than 4 times. Hemp paper could be reused as many as seven times.

Hemp paper is organic, containing no unnatural chemicals. That’s 20,000 under regular tree paper.

Hemp crops are resilient. They might require no harmful pesticides to defend against weeds, simply because they outgrow them.


One acre, or ten tonnes of hemp plantation can yield the same to some thousand gallons of methanol, one of the greatest causes of automobile fuel.

Ethanol, an all natural, plant-sourced fuel, happens to be utilized in addition to regular petroleum to power our cars at amounts of 10%. However, some cars happen to be able to using 85% ethanol fuel, also is present in many rocket fuels.

Diesel fuel is really a lot more eco-friendly than regular petroleum and gasoline. Ethanol and methanol are generally simple to naturally source, are renewable and environmentally safe, and therefore are being implemented as bio-diesel fuels within the future years.

Hemp could be coupled with diesel fuel to produce a more renewable and environmentally safe fuel source. However, hemp itself may also be produced right into a fuel by itself.

Carbon Emissions

Hemp like a biodiesel fuel emits only 20% from the harmful co2 of standard fuel and very little sulphur dioxide in to the atmosphere.

Consequently, emissions from hemp fuel may have an insignificant effect on carbon output and global warming.

The burning of hemp fuel doesn’t bring about any kind of acid rain.

Hemp is equally as biodegradable as common sugar, and possesses the toxicity of 10 times the weight in salt, making it harmless.

What benefits will Hemp hold for the economy:
Hemp used to be considered the backbone of america economy. Among the most economically and environmentally viable resources around australia (exemplified by its use within over 30,000 consumer products), its introduction into mainstream production will have a similar impact on the Australian economy. A large number of occupations might be created through greater purchase of the hemp industry. Recent layoffs within companies for example Blue Scope Steel might be offset through the jobs developed by planting, cultivating and processing industrial hemp.

Hemp might be used extensively to create flour, oils, along with other food sources. Therefore, because of its vitamins and minerals and versatility, the jobs created within the food industry could be much like those of those created within the Industrial workforce.

Finally, the development of more biodiesel fuel incorporating hemp would bolster the neighborhood economy and take away the big dependence Australia is wearing foreign fuel sources.

If you like this article and want to read more about Industrial Hemp Then please visit our website here: Industrial Hemp.

Run Your Diesel Vehicle on Biofuels: A Do-It-Yourself Manual

Run Your Diesel Vehicle on Biofuels: A Do-It-Yourself Manual

Bio Fuels Facts


Run Your Diesel Vehicle on Biofuelshas everything you need to make the switch from expensive, environment-damaging carbon fuel to cheap (and, in many cases, free), clean fuel for your vehicle. Practical and decidedly apolitical, this unique guide focuses on technical details, parts, and instructions.

Inside, you’ll find step-by-step instructions accompanied by helpful illustrations for such projects as building and properly using a homemade biodiesel reactor, which enables you to drive you car on vegetable oil purchased at a fraction of the price of gas or even on second-hand oil obtained from restaurants free of charge. Run Your Diesel Vehicle on Biofuelsalso includes a list of international parts suppliers and various manufacturers’ warranty statuses regarding vehicles converted to biodiesel.

Projects include:

  • Collecting waste oil
  • Building a waste-oil processor
  • Creating biodiesel fuel
  • Converting your car to professional standards
  • Constructing heat exchangers

Run Your Diesel Vehicle on Biofuels covers:
• History and functions of the diesel engine • Benefits of biofuel • Where to obtain raw ingredients • Theory of fuel conversion • Existing conversion kits o Blends, emulsions, and thinners • Processing and discarding waste oil • Laws and regulations • Green retail o Health and safety • Limitations of environmental benefits

List Price: $ 24.95

Price: [wpramaprice asin=”0071600434″]

The Advantages of Using Biodiesel Fuel

Article by Win Paulson

You might have heard a lot about biodiesel. Biodiesel is diesel than can power up your car that is made from vegetable oils and other natural sources. It does not come from the regular crude oil that usually has to be imported from oil-producing countries.

Biodiesel can be considered a new technology, taking into account all the years consumers have had to settle for traditional diesel. Using biodiesel for your car has many advantages:

1. Biodiesel is not harmful to the environment. Unlike its counterpart, a car using biodiesel produces fewer emissions. If a vehicle uses traditional diesel, the vehicle emits black, stinky smoke. With biodiesel, the smoke becomes very clean indeed.

2. Biodiesel may not require an engine modification. Some cars can take advantage of biodiesel without the need to undergo engine alterations. Some mix 20% biodiesel with regular diesel. Doing so enables the car to benefit from the good points of biodiesel without the hassle.

3. Biodiesel is cheap. You can even make biodiesel in your backyard. If your engine can work with biodiesel fuel alone, then you really need not go to the gas station to buy fuel. You can just manufacture some for your own personal use.

4. Biodiesel can make the vehicle perform better. It is noted that biodiesel has a cetane number of over 100. Cetane number is used to measure the quality of the fuel’s ignition. If your fuel has a high cetane number, you can be sure that what you get is a very easy cold starting coupled with a low idle noise.

5. Biodiesel can make your car last longer. Because of the clarity and the purity of biodiesel, you can be sure it will not have too many impurities to harm your car. It is actually more lubrication. A car’s power output is unaffected by this type of diesel.

6. Biodiesel reduces the environmental effect of a waste product. Because biodiesel is made out of waste products itself, it does not contribute to nature’s garbage at all. Biodiesel can be made out of used cooking oils and lards. So instead of throwing these substances away, the ability to turn them into biodiesel becomes more than welcome.

7. Biodiesel is energy efficient. If the production of biodiesel is compared with the production of the regular type, producing the latter consumes more energy. Biodiesel does not need to be drilled, transported, or refined like petroleum diesel. Producing biodiesel is easier and is less time consuming.

8. Biodiesel is produced locally. A locally produced fuel will be more cost efficient. There is no need to pay tariffs or similar taxes to the countries from which oil and petroleum diesel are sourced. Every country has the ability to produce biodiesel.

Biodiesel is surely a viable fuel alternative. Moreover, it is also a sustainable fuel. Using biodiesel not only helps maintain our environment, it also helps in keeping the people around us healthy.

The production of biodiesel all over the world is now being looked upon favorably. In Europe, many biodiesel stations have been set up already. There is also a move to convert or make cars compatible with biodiesel fuel in the near future.

Biodiesel can surely change the way vehicles are manufactured and used. It is surely the best substitute right now, and everyone should consider ways to take advantage of the benefits of biodiesel.


About the Author: Win Paulson is a contributing editor at where you will find information and resources on biodiesel. Head to www.FlexFuel-Info for information on other biofuels and alternative energy.