An Introduction to Biomass Fuels

Do you dream of creating biomass power? If so, it’s important that you have a firm understanding of biomass fuels. The following should provide you with enough information to get you started on the path to generating clean, green power.

• Biomass fuels burn cleaner than fossil fuels—As everyone knows, burning fossil fuels pollutes the Earth’s atmosphere. But when you burn biomass fuels, you join the good fight against global warming. This is due to the fact that burning biomass fuel recycles carbon dioxide already in the carbon cycle, as opposed to burning coal, which releases carbon stored eons ago.  As a result, you produce less noxious fumes to pollute our air when you burn biomass. And not only that, but you will also positively affect your public perception. Everyone loves a “Green” company. 

• They’re one of the most reliable alternative energy fuel sources—One worry many people have when switching to alternative energy sources is their perceived lack of reliability.

Let’s face it—no one has found a fool-proof plan for harnessing the energy of the sun, making solar energy unreliable. The solar cells simply do not operate with a high level of efficiency. And when it comes to harnessing wind energy, you just can’t predict wind patterns well enough to rely on it as your sole energy source. However, with biomass it’s different. One of the biggest advantages to burning biomass fuels is that the raw materials needed are always being produced in the timber harvest process, where it’s called “waste.”

• You need to match proper biomass technology to your biomass fuel sources—Some people fail when it comes to using biomass fuels. And usually it’s for one simple reason—they don’t have the correct technology to properly process it. That’s why it’s a good idea to hire a biomass energy company experienced in analyzing raw materials and matching them with proper technology.

• A biomass energy engineering company can help you turn your ideas into money—You stand to benefit from doing business with a biomass energy company. That said, you need to make sure you pick one that has plenty of experience. There are lots of fly-by-night companies out there, but you want one that has been dealing with biomass fuels for decades. They’ll know how to handle all aspects of your project, ensuring financial success.

• Biomass fuels can be burned with fossil fuels through the process of co-firing—Some people think they can’t use biomass fuels because they own pre-existing power plants that burn coal or other fossil fuels. If that describes your line of thinking, then you need to look into co-firing. This option allows you to continue burning fossil fuels while simultaneously burning biomass fuels. The result? You cut down on fossil fuel use and can meet changing government energy regulations. There’s no need to build new facilities. You just adapt the system you already have in place.

Still interested? If so, the next step is a simple one. Find a biomass energy company that can help get you started.

Learn more about biomass energy and biomass technology at EvergreenEngineering.Com.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Biofuels – The Energy Source of Our Future

With all of the talk about our dependency on foreign oil and its economic and environmental costs people are very hungry a cheaper alternative that is also good for our atmosphere and biofuels could be that next energy source. We should however analyze the advantages and disadvantages of using biofuel to replace gasoline as the dominant fuel source not just in our country but globally.

Advantages of biofuel

1. It is a very green friendly fuel that can help to halt and even in some cases reverse our current rising levels of green house gas that oil has had a major contributing factor in.

2. It can be made from many sources such as plant material, fungi and algae and since these source are available in abundance and can potentially reproduced on a massive scale they are an energy source that is potentially unlimited.

3. It will end our need to depend on opec and other foreign countries for our energy needs and can potentially help to bring world peace.

4. Biofuels can also help to stimulate jobs locally and can thus have the potential to turn around a global economy that has been slumping for a while now. They are also much safer to handle than gasoline and therefore cause lesser long term health effects on the human body.

As you can see these are all very good advantages in favor of this awesome new fuel source but just like all others, there are also some negative factors involved here.

Disadvantages of biofuel

1. As of right now even though biofuels produce much lesser green house gases the machines that are used to cultivate and produce them still have some problems with carbon emissions so we still need to work on newer ways to produce them in a more greener way.

2. Our technological process to produce biofuels are way to costly for us to be able to afford on a massive scale. We still need billions of dollars of research money into having a manufacturing process that will produce them at a cheaper rate.

3. We still don’t have anywhere near the amount of biofuel converted cars to be able to take advantage of this fuel source. We will need to invest trillions of dollars to change the automobile infrastructure to allow us to take advantage of this awesome natural fuel.

4. Once we are able to build large manufacturing plants we will need to find a way to deal with the very bad smell that is the outcome of the biofuel production cycle and large towns will not want to put up with this bad odor produced.

While there are some disadvantages to biofuel the potential is just to great to ignore and push forward with. This is the energy source of the future so the sooner we can get it to the manufacturing process and made available to the masses the faster we will be able to solve the problems we are now facing with gasoline only lasting another 20 to 30 years.

Author loves writing about new alternative energy sources such as Biofuel. To get the latest information visit to get up to date on the latest biofuel research and information.

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Biomass Electricity Myths Dispelled

There are plenty of myths associated with biomass power but don’t let these fallacies keep you from capitalizing on one of the most reliable green energy sources around.

Myth: Alternative energy sources are unreliable.

Truth: Some alternative energy sources are unreliable. For example, you can’t really depend on solar energy because:

• The sun doesn’t shine brightly every single day. You have to worry about cloud cover. • The cells that harness the solar energy are largely inefficient when it comes to storing energy.

Wind energy is also unreliable because:

• Wind speed can be inconsistent. • You have no control over it.

But this idea of unreliability becomes a myth when applied to biomass energy. Once you’ve found your raw materials and matched it with the correct biomass technology, biomass is reliable – as long as you carefully develop a plan for acquiring a consistent supply of biomass fuels.

Myth: You have to build a new power plant to create biomass electricity.

Truth: Thanks to a process known as co-firing, creating biomass power does not always require building a completely new power plant. Instead, a biomass energy company can design and install a system in an existing fossil fuel burning plant that will partially convert it to biomass, which will significantly reduce emissions and fossil fuel consumption. This is an attractive option for those already running power plants who do not wish to invest in brand new facilities.

Myth: It’s easy to match the proper biomass technology with your raw materials.

Truth: If you have no experience in biomass, figuring out what type of technology you need in your plant can be difficult. This is where most people go wrong. There have been numerous situations where a company implemented biomass technology, only to find they installed the wrong biomass technology. As a result, their new biomass system just sits there unused, millions of dollars flushed down the drain.

Where did they go wrong? They didn’t initially perform an adequate analysis of their raw material resource in order to determine what type of biomass technology was needed. Luckily, this mistake can easily be avoided. All you need to do is hire an experienced biomass engineering company to assist you in the planning process. They can help you match your biomass technology to the available fuels and improve your plants reliability. This cuts out any and all guesswork.

Myth: Only power companies can benefit from biomass power.

Truth: You don’t have to be a power company to capitalize on biomass advantages. Case in point: industrial facilities. An industrial facility creates waste throughout its production process. Ordinarily that waste would end up in a landfill. However, if the facility owners install a biomass system, they can use their waste to create electricity, which will in turn power their facilities. And they may even have enough left over to sell back to the grid.

Before you get involved in biomass power, sort the facts from the myths. You can easily do so by employing a biomass engineering company.

Businesses In Need Of Energy

Businesses In Need Of Energy

Article by Thomas Banken

Biomass is a word not your daily person will probably be familiar with; it indicates energy is biodegradable and can be reconditioned most commonly using wood to generate energy nevertheless it may be anything that is utilized to develop energy.

These days’ biomass strategies took an alternative turn with corporations across the world trying to utilize biomass technology to produce renewable sources of fuel that lower your expenses especially in the cruel financial situations the world finds itself in at present. A principal concern for many businesses will be to effectively harness methane using biomass boilers to save cash. In the creation of goods and food waste is removed all the time while in actuality it could be transformed into methane to power the economic setting on a sustainable energy resource created inside the building saving people funds on energy expenses. An up to date demonstration of this can be seen in North California where an Onion manufacturing facility saved an astounding 100,000 bucks simply by converting the excess produce of onion’s and naturally making it into methane, this is simply one example of methods biomass heaters and other biomass engineering can actually change the prospects of an entire business and its personnel.

Other examples include landfilling stations that have delved into the world of electrical productions simply through using alternative energy sources to produce electricity to power a huge number of homes.

But how can a biomass heaters help a small company or family home? In truth the reality is that the sophistication of the storage and piping system makes it near extremely hard for everyday people to harness methane to provide a renewable energy source for their home.

Instead many people turn to smaller biomass heaters which use wood pellets to power their houses, a thing that is a lot easier to install and handle but can still bring you the sustainable energy you crave that is very cheap meaning you can spend money elsewhere.

Renewable energy is the future and biomass heaters sit firmly as one of the technological innovation of contemporary times. If statistics are appropriate non-renewable energy might be gone in Half a century that means no fuel or energy plants to provide heating and electricity to our homes and car.

Renewable sources must be brought into place sooner rather than later globally to save us from a world crisis unprecedented by anything human kind has ever experienced in its existence on earth.


hi my name is Thomas Banken