The Future Of Car Hires Is Green

Article by Nia Lawrence

The Future Of Car Hires Is Green – Autos – Cars

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If you have plans of using car hire in Sydney, consider going the green route. The most environmentally sound choice would be to utilise the great public transportation system available in Sydney that has buses and trains that service almost every inch of the city as well as many popular destinations outside of the city proper.

Several car companies have already begun making efforts to go green. Hertz and Avis are multinational car rental companies that have already started purchasing new greener fleets made up of electric and hybrid engine cars that will replace their older fleets in the future. Though these options are not yet available in your car hire in Sydney, look into getting a compact, smaller engine car that is not only better for the environment because they have smaller engines and have more distance for your dollar, but also better for your wallet.

The future of rentals and automobiles could be changed in the coming years and you might be choosing a new Sydney car hire unlike any you’ve ever tried. Recently discovered and research in the University of Nevada is the presence of easily extracted oil from used coffee grounds. The biofuel produced could be a cheap alternative and there is potential to produce many millions of gallons per year.

Dr. Manoranjan Misra, Director, Renewable Energy Center Professor, Materials Engineering Division, discovered this coffee concept by accident. Returning to a cup of coffee that he left out overnight, Dr. Misra discovered that a thin film of oil had started to form around the edges of the cup. Dr. Misra then executed a few tests on left over coffee grounds to find that it actually contained about ten to fifteen percent oil. Afterwards, he turned the oil into biodiesel. Starbucks Coffee then provided tons of leftover coffee grounds to be used in further research.

The coffee grounds build a more stable fuel than preceding attempts involving corn and soy. Using coffee grounds also produces less carbon emissions. The biodiesel may be manufactured for more or less one dollar per gallon because the process is not exceptionally demanding. Apparently, even the fuel has smell of cofee. So possibly within a few years there’s a chance you will be driving around in a car hire in Sydney smelling like coffee.

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Looking for a compact car with car hire Sydney? Check out for more cars for hire.

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Nia Lawrence

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Bio-fuel develop in all over the world

Article by Jenny

Bio-fuel develop in all over the world – Technology – Biotechnology

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Colombia strongly develop bio-fuels According to the Associated Press reported that the Colombian government to strongly promote the application of bio-fuels such as ethanol in recent years,and to encourage a large number of farmers and enterprises to grow sugar cane and other raw materials for biofuels, which makes Colombia became the second-largest ethanol producer in Latin America.

Under the encouragement of government , many sugar refinery in Colombia star from the traditional sugar business transformation to the ethanol processing. In the past five years, the Columbia five sugar refineries have invested a total 100 million to $ 50 million for the construction of ethanol distilleries. The Colombian government’s goal is ethanol annual production of 300 million 40 million liters in 2014.

Colombia’s experts said greenhouse gases used biofuels emissions were less 70% to 75% than fossil fuels. Not only that, biofuels natural digest quickly, usually within a month will be able to degradation of 85%, while fossil fuel usually takes a year to degrade to the extent.Environmental problems are becoming increasingly important to expand the use of biofuels is a general trend.

Colombia currently provides for the gasoline fuel to be mixed with 8% of biofuels, the Government hopes that this proportion increased to 15% in 2014.

Biodiesel exports greatly increased in Argentina in 2011 Argentina soybean crush highs last year , more soybean oil is further processed into biodiesel. The amount of biodiesel last year total is 1.7 million tons, higher than the exports of 1.4 million tons in 2010, export volume in 2007 was only 168,364 tons.

Argentina’s 12 major biodiesel producers, including the global cereal exporters, Cargill and Bunge, has spent nearly $ 1 billion to build factories, and solid support by the government.Biodiesel export tariffs is 13.5 percent, while the soybean oil export tariffs is on 32 percent. The Government has also developed a reference price, to ensure that the profits from the sale to the domestic market.

To contain 7% biodiesel in diesel fuel to ensure that local needs and plan this proportion increased to 10%, and after increased to 20% within four years.

Biomass energy technology

Northern Tools Biodiesel Fuel Station Setup

Northern Tools Biodiesel Fuel Station Setup

Turning a 55gal drum into a biodiesel fuel station. I’ve set it up on a dolly with wheels so I can wheel it around the shop. The hose is 4m or about 12′, plenty long enough. Turbine flow meter is pretty accurate and pump is relatively fast. I added a Goldenrod biodiesel 3/4″npt filter after the pump and before the delivery hose. It has a replaceable filter element in it good to 10microns. Under 0 bucks for the whole setup not including the barrel.

The History Channel : Modern Marvels Milk : The Technology Behind Pasteurization , Yogurt , Cheese & Other Dairy , Modern Marvels Corn : The Largest Us Agricultural Crop : The Technology Behind Bio-fuel , Environmentally Friendly Plastic Containers Made From Corn, Corn Feeding the Masses From Acient Times to Present Day : 2 Pack

Bio Fuels Facts

The History Channel : Modern Marvels Milk : The Technology Behind Pasteurization , Yogurt , Cheese & Other Dairy , Modern Marvels Corn : The Largest Us Agricultural Crop : The Technology Behind Bio-fuel , Environmentally Friendly Plastic Containers Made From Corn, Corn Feeding the Masses From Acient Times to Present Day : 2 Pack

List Price: $ 15.99

Price: [wpramaprice asin=”B004G7VOB2″]

Gasification of Wood and the Future in General For Biomass Gasification

Gasification of wood is a simple technology that introduces secondary air to the falling ash which superheats it and combusts the ash and wood smoke to a point where there is very little left. The process is extremely efficient and gets the most energy out of a log of wood whilst leaving little ash to clean out.

Gasification is a process for burning wood where the gases from the wood are burned at very high temperatures, and although it was used extensively 50 to 100 years ago, since the advent of cheap oil in the late 1950s and 1960s it has been largely ignored.

Gasification works both at a very simple level in wood stoves and in huge gen stations feed megawatts of power into national electricity grids. For some time the big generators like GE have recognised this and have been developing the highly technologically sophisticated Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) Generator, since multi-millions of dollars into the idea.

However, until very recently society had forgotten the fact that gasification can also be sued at the domestic stove level and bring big efficieny and smoke emissions reduction benefits at the same time.

In a simple wood gasifier ingenious design (or a small electric fan in many designs) causes a downdraft which produces extreme heat up to 2000 degrees igniting all gases including smoke and creosote therefore giving almost 100% efficiency. The gasification effect works by way of the downdraft that sucks wood gas from the firebox in the top chamber down into a bottom chamber where superheated combustion occurs.

Biomass gasification extend the idea from wood stoves, where there are a number of products now on the market into using a huge range of available fuels, not just wood. In its current state the use of biomass, is open-source and grassroots. Many people are cobbling together gasifiers and they are normal JoeâEUR(TM)s and JaneâEUR(TM)s. What you or I would call backyard tinkerers! But, we should all be grateful to them because this technology needs wrestling away from the boffins and the multi-millions dollar corporations. It is just too important for the health of the planet that at all levels society uses the renewable energy freely available to us, to its fullest.

Biomass gasification projects could be of interest under the CDM (Carbon Discharge Management âEUR” or carbon Credits within the scheme dreamt up at the Kyoto summit years ago) because the renewable biomass energy used directly displaces greenhouse gas emissions while contributing to sustainable rural development.

However, amazingly until recently there was only one biomass gasifier project registered under the CDM as yet, among thousands of other schemes.

Biomass gasification is a renewable, low cost and environmentally friendly energy alternative to using carbonaceous fuels like oil and coal or natural gas. Biomass energy has evolved since its first applications, but in general the sad fact is that until now it has not been possible to reach a solid commercial stage, except during periods of crises and only for some specific applications.

Meanwhile, other gasification technologies, fed by fossil fuels, have received big invetsment and are currently widely used on industrial scales, for example in refineries enabling poor quality and even waste oils which traditional refineries have no use for to be utilized.

Biomass gasification certainly works, and it worked 20 years ago. It is just been seen as a capital-intensive process that has the problem of competing against lower cost (but unsustainable) gasification options, and too complex to be used in the small scale.

Now at least the back garage tinkerers have gasifiers under development which will with their inspired skills and ability to innovate, have every prospect of rescuing this technology from the boffins by producing small cheap and amazingly efficient boilers using all sorts of fuels at present unused and wasted.

For my money I say three cheers for these guys and girls not afraid to get their hands dirty, roll up their sleeves and make so much more than any stove which can make tea!

Steve Evans is an anaerobic digestion biogas energy enthusiast. Far from being despondent about rising gas prices he sees it as a great opportunity for us to start using clean renewable wind turbine energy which is now available all around us.

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