Is A Biodiesel Plant Worth Investing In?

Biodiesel is exciting because it has the potential to save an extensive amount of money in fuel costs, not to mention easing our dependency on foreign oil and the impact on the environment that fossil fuel has had. A necessary component to making biodiesel fuel are processing plants. Because this technology is so new, the number of biodiesel plant manufacturers is very low. This is posing somewhat of a problem because mass production of biodiesel fuel cannot occur without a good number of biodiesel plants.

The production of biodiesel fuel can open up great investment opportunities. Think of how many types of vehicles use diesel fuel including cement mixers, school buses and farm vehicles. This is a huge volume of vehicles on the road that use diesel. Now think what the impact would be of all those vehicles using biodiesel. Now can you see the incredible investment opportunity that exists? In my opinion investing in a biodiesel plant is a great way to see tremendous profits come to you in the future.

Because this is such a new technology, you will probably not find the energy giants investing in a biodiesel plant anytime soon. That is why small start up companies are looking for investment capital. They need the funds for research and development. Raising money to build a biodiesel plant for processing purposes would require companies to obtain private equity investment venture capital. This means that you would be investing in a company that is not publicly traded, they are a private company. If you buy stock in a private company, you will sell or withdraw your shares. Instead, you receive dividend payments over a specified amount of time.

This type of investing is something that a lot of people do not have the stomach for because it is a risk. No one can say for certain that investing in a biodiesel plant will reap long term gains. But think of it this way. What are people and companies willing to do to save money of fuel and ease our dependency of foreign oil? It would seem like this technology is going to be around for a long time and may very well be the future of alternative fuel sources.

We’ve all heard of people who got in early on Adobe stock or IBM stock and have marveled at the apparent luck of those people. This may be an opportunity for others to get in on the ground floor of a huge opportunity.

Questions to Ask a Biomass Energy Company

Are you looking to start generating biomass electricity? Doing so has many advantages, but it’s not something you just want to jump into. Your best bet is to find a biomass energy company and ask the following questions:

1. How long have you been working in the biomass industry?

You’re looking at spending a lot of money to venture into new territory and hopefully make sizeable profits. With so much on the line, it’s crucial that you choose a biomass energy company that has plenty of experience. Go with a company that has multiple decades in the industry. They’ve been down this road many times before, and will gladly guide you along the way-ensuring that you’re not entering the world of biomass power alone.

2. What aspects of the process do you handle?

There are many different phases involved with implementing a biomass electricity system. From feasibility assessments to design to implementation to overseeing installation-it’s a huge undertaking. So make sure you understand which phases the biomass energy company is planning on handling for you. And do yourself a favor: choose a company that will handle it all. That way you don’t have to worry about switching from one company to another in mid-project.

3. Do you deal with co-firing systems as well?

If you already have a plant that burns coal, you might not want to build an entirely new facility. Ask the biomass energy company about co-firing systems. If the company works in co-firing, you may find that you can benefit from burning biomass fuels simultaneously with the coal you’re already using. It’ll cost you less than an entire new system, while still allowing you to produce cleaner energy.

4. How much of your business is repeat business?

No matter what kind of service you’re looking for, you should always investigate a company’s customer service reputation. How can you do that? One way is ask about their customer retention rate. If most of their business is repeat business, then you know that they make clients happy. You also might want to ask to see customer testimonials. There’s nothing like hearing it from the source.

5. Can you review my current plan?

Do you already have a plan for obtaining raw materials to convert to biomass electricity? Before putting that plan into place, you should have a professional review it. A reputable biomass energy company will carefully analyze your plan to make sure it’s feasible. You never want to install a biomass energy system without fully understanding your fuel source. Doing so could result in losses of millions of dollars.

6. Can you help me identify a good local source for biomass fuels?

Want to generate biomass power, but not sure where to get your raw materials? Ask the biomass engineering company for help identifying a good source for biomass fuels. Some companies will perform an in-depth study to find the right source for you. And that’s the company you want to go with.

Once you find a biomass energy company that gives you satisfactory answers to the above questions, you’ll be on the road to benefiting from one of the best renewable energy sources available. Find a reliable biomass energy company today!

Use a Biodiesel Blend

Most biodiesel fuel that is sold on the market is a blended fuel. A blended fuel includes additives and may even be partially mixed with petroleum. Pure biodiesel is not the best performing fuel in today’s vehicles that were made for use with traditional fuel and that is why blends are used.

Biodiesel blends are available at different levels. Some may offer only a fraction of actual biodiesel in them. Others may be mostly biodiesel. You should be able to easily find out the blend percentages at the station.

Blended biodiesel is a good option, just like biodiesel. It is still giving you many of the benefits and is still worth using over traditional diesel fuel.

Use a Blend

You should use a biodiesel blend because it is going to give you better performance. If you have used regular diesel before in your vehicle you could have issues if you switch to a pure biodiesel.

You may end up with a clogged fuel filter and the fuel may flow too slowly. You r best choice is a blended fuel.

Additionally, finding pure biodiesel is very difficult. Most pure forms are not approved through standards that allow them to be sold on the market. Short of making it yourself, you will find it very difficult to get pure biodiesel.

The Good Side of a Blend

Biodiesel blends are still beneficial. They still reduce pollution and reliance on petroleum. The use of biodiesel in diesel fuel means less petroleum used. Overall a blend is still as good as using pure biodiesel. The good side is that you will not have to contend with issues that can occur from using pure biodiesel, like clogs or freeze up.

Biodiesel blends are likely to continue to be the norm because manufactures are still making vehicles to run on traditional diesel.

Manufacturers only play to the markets trends. They are not likely to product biodiesel vehicles unless the public starts to really show reliance on biodiesel and that they are willing to use it.

Once the market shows signs on being more apt to use biodiesel then manufactures will respond. It is only then that a pure biodiesel fuel will become more readily available. To make that happen you should use biodiesel as much as possible even if that means using it in a blend. You will be able to help make biodiesel the fuel of the future.

Learn more about Biodiesel today. You can also learn how to make your own biodiesel by visiting this website for more information

How To Make Your Own Biodiesel At Home Cheaply & Easily – A Step-By-Step Guide For Beginners

Bio Fuels Facts

Are you fed up with the ever-icreasing price of diesel fuel for your car?

Did you know that you can make your own biodiesel at home easily and cheaply using vegetable oil?

You may well be aware of biodiesel but feel that it would be too much trouble and complicated to make biodiesel at home. In fact, it is very simple to do – as thousands of diesel car owners have now discovered.

This guide has been specially written for complete beginners and describes in step-by-step detail how to go about making your own biodiesel.
The items you need are easily obtainable and you don’t require any special skills.

The book covers two biodiesel production techniques – the first is the method to make quality batches of biodiesel. The second technique is a more “cheap & cheerful” one that will produce perfectly acceptable fuel quickly.

Furthermore, neither biodiesel production process is very time-consuming, so it is easy to make up a batch of biodiesel over a weekend!

The main ingredient – vegetable oil – is readily available and can be obtained either very cheaply, or for free! Fish & chip shops, and other fast food outlets have to regularly get rid of their used cooking oil and they are often happy to give it away for nothing. The alternative is that they have to pay waste oil companies to remove the oil – so you can benefit from getting free oil and they save money.

Friends and neighbours are also a good souce of free used vegetable oil from their deep fat fryers.

The author – Mark Tibbert – has been producing his own biodiesel for many years (in fact, long before the recent oil price hikes). Not only is he
therefore someone who is highly knowledgeable and well-qualified with valuable first-hand experience of biodiesel production, but he is also an excellent teacher.

Read this book and you will have all the information you need to start making your own biodiesel.Are you fed up with the ever-icreasing price of diesel fuel for your car?

Did you know that you can make your own biodiesel at home easily and cheaply using vegetable oil?

You may well be aware of biodiesel but feel that it would be too much trouble and complicated to make biodiesel at home. In fact, it is very simple to do – as thousands of diesel car owners have now discovered.

This guide has been specially written for complete beginners and describes in step-by-step detail how to go about making your own biodiesel.
The items you need are easily obtainable and you don’t require any special skills.

The book covers two biodiesel production techniques – the first is the method to make quality batches of biodiesel. The second technique is a more “cheap & cheerful” one that will produce perfectly acceptable fuel quickly.

Furthermore, neither biodiesel production process is very time-consuming, so it is easy to make up a batch of biodiesel over a weekend!

The main ingredient – vegetable oil – is readily available and can be obtained either very cheaply, or for free! Fish & chip shops, and other fast food outlets have to regularly get rid of their used cooking oil and they are often happy to give it away for nothing. The alternative is that they have to pay waste oil companies to remove the oil – so you can benefit from getting free oil and they save money.

Friends and neighbours are also a good souce of free used vegetable oil from their deep fat fryers.

The author – Mark Tibbert – has been producing his own biodiesel for many years (in fact, long before the recent oil price hikes). Not only is he
therefore someone who is highly knowledgeable and well-qualified with valuable first-hand experience of biodiesel production, but he is also an excellent teacher.

Read this book and you will have all the information you need to start making your own biodiesel.

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