Sustainable Housing Guide: Biomass Energy Explained

Going green, making life as eco-friendly as possible; of course there are simple steps and tricks to adapt every home and garden. Surely the biggest change to come will be that of energy – where will it come from? Solar panels? Biomass?

A great place to practically see renewable energy in a working environment is its use in contemporary sustainable housing. Modern eco-architects love nothing more than passive buildings i.e. zero carbon footprint, no energy input our damaging output. Indeed that case is fairly rare even now, but in the struggle to go 100% green those very designers are creating fantastic garden buildings that give a fabulous little insight into the future of eco-living.

But while it’s great to read the words “eco-friendly biomass water heater” who actually understand the workings behind them?

Smog and greenhouse gases are caused by the burning of fossil fuels which causes the production of harmful chemicals like COv(2) to be, in turn, released into the atmosphere.

Whilst biomass is technically a fuel, the rate at which COv(2) is released into the atmosphere during incineration is proportional to that removed from the atmosphere by new plant growth (plants which will be used as future biomass fuel), making biomass a zero carbon renewable energy source.

The most prevalent application of biomass in the home is for water heating. Biomass boilers are already a prevalent facet of eco-designed garden buildings, and their place in the modern home could encourage savings of around £450 annually.

The current immaturity of the UK biomass fuel market is a key consideration, however future eco-living will rely heavily on such renewable sources, making the use of fossil fuels in the home an obsolete practice. Although part of a burgeoning market, the technology and environmental applications of biomass fuel are mushrooming wonderfully year after year, ensuring its place in the future of contemporary eco-home design.

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Is Biomass a Practical Source of Energy?

Any organic material that is composed of plants and animals including parts of plants, flesh of animals or excretions is called biomass. This is a type of energy that can be utilized as a fuel that is known as biofuel.

When referring to biomass, people usually talk about material coming from living organisms that has recently decayed or died. Fossil fuels are also considered as biomass since it is a decayed matter of ancient plants and animals.

New technology considers biofuel as a source of energy that is useful in the future to ease the problem of energy supply, although the mankind had already been using biofuel since before it is named as biofuel. Biofuel can be manifested in the food that we are eating every day. People during the ancient times have already been using plant material such as wood wax and whale oil as fuel in order to produce heat and light.

Advance technologies had given us the opportunity to utilize biomass in making other biofuels. Biomass can be used to run electric generators or can be converted into methane, alcohol or biodiesel to power or run our cars. However, much energy is needed in these processes of conversion of biomass to new forms of energy. Due to this fact, biofuels cannot be regarded as a practical source to use since it is costly.

One form of biofuel that stands to be effective, efficient and practical is the biofuel that people have been using since earliest times. Direct heating is one of the ways in burning biomass and is still considered as the most efficient way.

We can use biomass in heating our homes or buildings rather than trying to use it to run our cars. Other people may think that firewood is not practical to use, however pellets that came from wood may be practical and burning pellets is the most practical way.

Using biomass as a renewable energy through heating with wood or other pellets is practical and cost-effective and another advantage is that the technology and systems of distribution are readily available.

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The Final Product Of Biomass Energy

Utilization of biomass as an alternative energy source has attracted people to promote its use. This is caused by a decline in fossil energy reserves. This is a dangerous point for energy security in the last decade.

To avoid future energy crises, they began to increase use of renewable energy sources such as biomass. More than that, the use of fossil fuels increases the concentration of sulfur and greenhouse gases in nature.

Governments in various countries around the world have adopted policies favorable to the use of biomass as an energy alternative. So that industry players will get a subsidy from the government.

Biomass can be used as energy with a wide variation. Utilization of biomass produces electricity, heat for industrial facilities, home heating and fuels vehicle.

Conversion of biomass for energy is called bio-energy. This conversion can be achieved with some solutions that thermochemical and biochemical technologies. Thermochemical process is divided into three technology solutions are combustion, gasification and pyrolysis.

To understand the meaning of each Technology solution, we can learn from the final product On combustion, have the final product steam, process heat and electricity energy. Each has its own type of function. Steam can be used to drive steam engines, while the heat can be used for processing in the chemical industries.

The final products of electric can be used more flexibly. This product of gasification is the steam, the process of heat, electrical energy and methane gas fuel and hydrogen. Methane and hydrogen can be used as a fuel cell system. This system is increasingly popular as the technology of the future.

Pyrolysis technology solutions, has the final product is charcoal, coal and bio-gas fuel. Charcoal and bio-coal can be an analogy as coal but more environmentally friendly. This is because emissions from the production of bio-coal and charcoal lower than coal. Biochemical process produces anaerobic digestion the technology solution. This technology has the final product of ethanol, water for irrigation, compost and biogas.

Nugroho Agung Pambudi has been writing articles including papers for nearly 3 years now. His journal papers can be reached both international journal and conference. Come visit his latest website at [] which help people find information about geothermal heating and cooling []

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Biodiesel Equipment To Provide New Business Opportunities

If you want your business to take the right approach to environmental issues, you need proper Biodiesel Equipment to match up to the fuel needs. Most people use biodiesel because it provides an alternative to the standard fuel crisis and has its own specific set of advantages. If you are setting up a Biodiesel Plant, you would also need the entire set of machinery and tools for pre and post processing functions. The concept of Biodiesel Wash also needs to be utilized for filtering and purification of the product before it is used for fueling the engines or sent out for sale to other companies.

One of the most important aspects of running a company is to monitor the fuel costs that might have a significant effect on the budgeting process. If you have the right equipment, you can produce an alternate fuel source that offers greater engine performance and helps you create an environment friendly profile for your company.

Not only would it reduce your need for conventional oil supplies, it can also turn out to be a revenue generator if you plan to sell it to other companies. A Biodiesel Plant is a prerequisite for such purposes and all techniques such as Biodiesel Wash and other procedures should be handled by professionals to achieve the highest level of efficiency.

Lots of people are shifting to different forms of biodiesel to reduce health hazards and pollutions to people who work with running engines. Once you set up such a a plant, you would be able to dispose animal fat and other substances, creating something productive such as fuel. Properly created biodiesel, combined with additional treatment procedures such as Bio-diesel Wash can produce extremely low quality sulphur, greenhouse gas and particle emissions as compared to the common fuels. It depends on the quality of the equipment and the vendor from whom such produces are purchased.

Before you make the switch to the environmental side, you need to make sure that you have the right facility for technical wash and other treatments along with the proper machinery. If you plan to buy processing units or an entire processing set from a vendor, you should look for high quality assembling and finish. Your plant should also live up to the set industrial standards and maintain the safety protocols that are required. The equipment should be able to handle different types of feed stock and have flexibility so it can be used according to your specific needs.

Apart from the general specifications, the vendor itself should have experience and reputation in the manufacturing of such processors for such a plant. The vendor should incorporate the most cost effective mechanisms on the machinery so your profit margins start to increase. You should also look for processors with automated solution options for such technical washes and other procedures so everything can be done in a quick and smooth fashion. If you like the overall quality and performance of the machinery and receive proper vendor support for it through an extended period of time, Biodiesel Equipment could turn out to be a very wise investment for the financial future of your company.

This Article is written by Rimi Smith. For more about Animal Fat Biodiesel, UCO Biodiesel, Biorefining process & Biodiesel pre-treatment, please visit .

Biofuels and Future Potential Problems Down the Road

It is quite possible that there will be future potential problems and issues with biofuels down the road. For instance if we are to break our addiction to Middle Eastern foreign oil we will need to produce 15% or more of our fuel by growing it here in the United States Midwest, but to do that we need to produce quite a bit of it. It is possible to grow it, but we need refining capacity and a distribution network to get to market. Additionally people will need to have cars, which run on flex fuels or can run both diesel and ethanol.

After we hit 15% biofuels we will need to expand at 10% per year and that will be tough because there’s only so much water and only so much farmland to make this and not all the cars on the road are capable of using E85 Ethanol, which is 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline. It would destroy your car engine if your car was not made for this. Most automobiles can run 15% ethanol and 85% gasoline without too much problem or damage to the engine.

If our goal is to break America’s addiction to Middle Eastern foreign oil we will need to ramp up the process quicker and figure out a way to get all the ethanol and biofuels to market for both personal automobiles and over the road trucks. We should also look into ways to allow biofuels to be used in aviation in the future. Bio-diesel must be available at truck stops, card key fuel stations, travel centers and large government GSA offices.

We know from the past that blended fuel programs have been very popular in many states but generally this is because of the discounted fuel tax, which keeps the price lower than regular gasoline or diesel fuel. In the future ethanol will have to cost less to produce and deliver to market than gasoline. That might be difficult considering that OPEC will lower the price of their oil in order to keep ethanol away from the American people. All these issues are very important considerations and we must think on this in 2006.

“Lance Winslow” – Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is an online writer in retirement.

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