Benefits of Biomass Energy

From the very beginning of civilization biomass fuels were being used for the production of energy but from the last few decades, it has been a matter of great debate whether biomass energy is advantageous or not. With all the research and experiments scientists and researchers came to this result that it has many advantages over fossil fuels and it does help in reducing greenhouse effect.

Through this article we are going to discuss some basic advantages of such energy and what are the present steps that are being taken by different countries and organizations to make it popular.

Renewable source

Yes, the basic advantage of biomass energy is that it is renewable source of energy. It is derived from mostly plants and we all know that without plants there will be no life on this planet. So, as long as plants are going to be on this planet, there will a source for the production of these energy.

Reduces green house effect

Another great advantage of biomass energy over fossil fuels is that it helps in reducing green house effect.

It has been observed in the past, that people have raised questions on this very nature of biomass energy. The question is “in the production of biomass energy CO2 is released and also from fossil fuels CO2 is released, so how does this energy have advantage over fossil fuels?”

The basic difference is that all the CO2 which has been absorbed by plant for its growth is going back in atmosphere during its burning for the production of biomass energy while the CO2 produced from fossil fuels is only going to increase the green house effect. Fossil fuels not only produce CO2 but also sulphur dioxide and lead oxide during their burning which are very toxic gases.

Biomass also helps in controlling methane, another green house gas.

Fresh surrounding

The third advantage of biomass energy is that, it also helps in cleaning surrounding.

In the world of today with the increase in population, problem of disposing garbage is also increasing. For their own advantage people throw their garbage’s in river, nearby ocean or empty land which worsens our eco-system balance.

Whatever organic garbage’s are produced by human, animals and plants; they all can be used for the production of this energy and it helps in cleaning our surrounding.

Available in plenty

There is surely no doubt in this statement that biomass is available in plenty. Wherever we look, we can find the source of the production of biomass energy. This is also one of the great advantages of biomass energy over fossil fuel. As we all know that fossil fuels are not going to remain for next 500 years. Many researches are going in different nations to find a source of energy which is not only cheap but also available in plenty. Biomass energy truly is the answer for all their questions regarding seek of alternative form of energy.

So, know this information you can do your part in using biomass energy and help save the earth. Alternatively, you can also use other renewable resources such solar and wind energy. Use them in your homes and you will be able to save electricity and save money at the same time. How wonderful is that?

Yes, together we can save the earth and totally avoid global warming. With this in mind, we are going to increase the lifespan of our generations. Our children will be able to breathe fresher air and live life to the fullest because the earth is greener.

Let us spare some thoughts and take action to heal the world.

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