Corporations Eye The Future, And The Future Is Biodiesel

With the high price of oil, the unstable foreign oil countries, and with a renewed focus on the environment there has been much attention of late on finding an alternative fuel source. Biodiesel is nothing new, in fact it has been talked about and experimented on for close to a century, but has been the recipient of a lot of interest of late.

An alternative fuel source has been talked about for decades. The reasons different people have for looking for this alternative fuel source vary widely. It could be for environmental reasons, economic reasons, or even just the excitement of new technology. One thing is certain though, in the past when someone showed interest in biofuel technology it was usually a small group of environmentalists, a lone scientist, or a very small energy related startup company. Not true any longer as multinational corporations and entrepreneurial millionaires are jumping on the ever filling Biodiesel bandwagon.

From Ohio to Malaysia established biodiesel manufacturing plants are operating at capacity. So much that in recent months there has been announcements regarding huge Biodiesel manufacturing plant construction projects. Construction projects aimed at building Biodiesel manufacturing plants that can yield 50, 100, even 200 million gallons or more per year. All this is happening in the Biodiesel refining and manufacturing industry while the newest oil refinery built in The United States started operation in 1976.

Farmers large and small have also seen the trends and altered their growing plans. More farms are raising crops with their specific eye on the Biodiesel market. Soybeans, Corn, Rapeseed, and more are dotting the world’s landscape. Few experts would say that Biodiesel will one day replace petroleum based fuel as it is impractical to grow enough raw materials to fill the world’s fuel demands. But, anything that can make a dent in one of the world’s most established markets deserves notice.

Millionaires and corporations wouldn’t sink millions upon millions of dollars into a relatively new industry without believing that it would be profitable. Corporations are not known to be gamblers. Major corporations have buildings full of accountants and market analysts who are paid well to make sure that the corporation does not make a poor investment. The only reason that self-made millionaires and these multinational corporations would expend the manpower, time, and money to develop and construct Biodiesel manufacturing plants is that they believe there is money to be made. For there to be money to be made in the Biodiesel market, all these successful and knowledgeable people have not only seen that the growing and manufacturing processes are viable, but that there will be a market for their products. Without end users, the manufacturing of anything for resale is pointless.

So, why have millionaires and corporations invested so heavily lately in Biodiesel? Because they have seen the future, and the future is made up of a large number of consumers who for many different reasons are looking for an alternative-fuel. There needs to be no further evaluation on whether there is a future to the Biodiesel market. If there were no future to the Biodiesel market, then these investors and businesses would not be spending this kind of time and money on manufacturing a product that no one will buy. Continue manufacturing, the buyers are waiting.

Mark Allen is a strong supporter of the continued serch for a viable alternative-fuel. More information at

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The Biodiesel Handbook, Second Edition

Bio Fuels Facts

Drawing on the expertise of researchers from around the world, the second edition of this invaluable handbook, now updated to cover the lastest advances across several areas of research, offers one of the most complete and respected references on biodiesel development, improvements, and applications. It covers the conversion of vegetable oils, animal fats, and used oils into biodiesel fuel. 

The handbook delivers solutions to issues associated with biodiesel feedstocks, production issues, quality control, viscosity, stability, and applications, as well as emissions and other environmental impacts. In addition to technical material, it updates readers on the status of the biodiesel industry worldwide.

List Price: $ 149.95

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The Book On Biodiesel

Bio Fuels Facts

If you would like to make your own biodiesel fuel, or if you simply want to understand the world-wide fascination with its extraordinary potential, you’ll need to know all the basic facts around the manufacturing process of biodiesel.
While reading this phenomenal pocket-sized book, you’ll learn of the skills and techniques required to actually make this fuel at your own home, and you’ll develop an exacting knowledge of the materials and equipment necessary for making biodiesel from scratch, whether for your own personal applications or for creating a thriving long-term business!
In your ongoing process of discovery, by following these simple, step-by-step instructions and diagrams, you’ll quickly become capable of using the necessary chemistry – and before you know it, as you develop a crystal-clear understanding of the do’s and don’ts of handling and working with the six primary chemical ingredients, you’ll be able to start using your new-found skills with confidence.
In addition, you’ll find out what’s true – and false, about biodiesel and its ingredients, including the many positive environmental effects and the incredible, almost unbelievable financial benefits for people everywhere.
Within these pages, you’ll discover everything you need to know about biodiesel – and much more as well, by exploring the extremely interesting world of ‘Biodieselers’. As you read on, you’ll find that you quickly grasp the fine points of making Biodiesel, almost without any effort on your part, as the author has presented this information in an easy-to-understand, naturally flowing style.If you would like to make your own biodiesel fuel, or if you simply want to understand the world-wide fascination with its extraordinary potential, you’ll need to know all the basic facts around the manufacturing process of biodiesel.
While reading this phenomenal pocket-sized book, you’ll learn of the skills and techniques required to actually make this fuel at your own home, and you’ll develop an exacting knowledge of the materials and equipment necessary for making biodiesel from scratch, whether for your own personal applications or for creating a thriving long-term business!
In your ongoing process of discovery, by following these simple, step-by-step instructions and diagrams, you’ll quickly become capable of using the necessary chemistry – and before you know it, as you develop a crystal-clear understanding of the do’s and don’ts of handling and working with the six primary chemical ingredients, you’ll be able to start using your new-found skills with confidence.
In addition, you’ll find out what’s true – and false, about biodiesel and its ingredients, including the many positive environmental effects and the incredible, almost unbelievable financial benefits for people everywhere.
Within these pages, you’ll discover everything you need to know about biodiesel – and much more as well, by exploring the extremely interesting world of ‘Biodieselers’. As you read on, you’ll find that you quickly grasp the fine points of making Biodiesel, almost without any effort on your part, as the author has presented this information in an easy-to-understand, naturally flowing style.

List Price: $ 9.97

Price: [wpramaprice asin=”B004URV8NW”]

Biodiesel, Fueling the Future

Imagine heading to the gas station and filling your gas tank with something other than petroleum. Many people don’t even realize that there is a potential option. Biodiesel is a fuel that is both clean burning and produced with renewable resources. Biodiesel is also biodegradable. It can be described as a diesel fuel that is made from a source other than petroleum.

Biodiesel can be created with either animal fats or simple vegetable oil. This particular fuel option isn’t a new concept, the idea was first brought up in Brussels in 1937, but it is gaining popularity and will likely become the fuel of the future. With the increasing fuel prices and a pending energy crisis looming, something has to change when it comes to filling our gas tanks. Some gas stations are already offering biodisel but very few people understand exactly what biodiesel is and how it will benefit the United Sates population.

The US Postal Service is already using biodiesel in its fleet. A popular misconception about biodiesel is that all engines will have to be retrofitted or redesigned. Not true, Biodisel will work in any diesel engine. It can also be blended for use in vehicles without diesel engines. Another benefit, biodiesel can be produced with United States grown products.

The United States will no longer have to rely on the Middle East for fuel and be dependent upon their resources. Our fuel prices and availability will not be contingent upon their government or politics. Using US grown products also gives the money back to the United States economy and not to the Middle Eastern governments. By producing this fuel on US soil, new jobs will be created, thus helping stimulate our economy. The farm industry will see tremendous growth as biodiesel will be using products grown on farms across our nation. Biodiesel is nontoxic and will be better for our already deteriorating air quality.

Studies have shown that the emissions produced by cars using biodiesel are almost nonexistent. Unlike petroleum, our daily driving will not be polluting the air we breathe or contributing to the greenhouse effect. Biodiesel is considered a high octane fuel. This means that it will help car engines work more efficiently and thus provide the owner with a higher engine performance.

A car’s engine will not be as loud and will last longer than if using petroleum based fuel. Currently, producing biodiesel is very expensive, but as the process is perfected and the idea becomes more popular with the public, prices should be lower. With the many benefits biodiesel offers to the car owners, the country and to our planet, biodiesel is certainly a very viable source of fuel for the future.

Visit our website to download a comprehensive guide on how to make biodiesel at home.

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Biomass – A Green Energy Source For Today and the Future

Experts say biomass or ‘bioenergy’ is in fact one of the main green energy sources being considered for mass implementation.

The question is…what in the world is bioenergy?

It’s kind of like something out of a sci-fi movie, it is a process by which lots of yummy organic material such as animal waste, plants and wood are used to generate electricity, produce heat and also aid in the production of bio fuels.

With biomass, hot air or water is generated to produce electricity. This is done through direct combustion and yet this is considered the simplest way of generating energy from biomass, it is also considered the most common method of generating energy from biomass.

Not only can biomass be used to generate electricity, biomass can be used for hot air production. This means it could be used as a new renewable and slightly greener method of heating your home or office. To do so, the biomass must be combusted in a furnace where it heats the air being fed into your home/office. Biomass could also be used as a more efficient water heater, simply by using the same method of heating the air. The best part is…we already know that biomass can be used in a small scale heating system. (so keep your eyes out for them)

Some people have been combining the heat producing features and the electric producing features of biomass to generate the both of them, which is commonly called ‘CHP’ (or Combined Heat and Power). This is something that most people consider to be one of the best features of biomass, is it’s ability to be efficient enough to serve multiple purposes.

It is a fact that if you compare the electricity produced by biomass and solar sources, biomass will always produce more. Why? Because solar panels take in energy from the sun and send it somewhere to be stored or used. But the plants and organic materials used to create biomass have been taking in and storing energy from the sun within them. Meaning that biomass is just a big mass of sun energy…almost in a concentrated form.

You don’t have to collect it first which is what happens with solar or even wind energy since this is manufactured technology. It is readily available unlike the other two which is totally dependent on the weather.

With using biomass extensively, the dependence on foreign oil and the cost to dispose of waste will no longer be a problem. Think of the ‘REAL’ freedoms this could create for many countries. Including North America!

There is one real downside to bioenergy…you have to burn waste and other organic materials to produce power. This adds to the pollution which is already in the atmosphere and that causes concerns among many scientists and eco watch dogs everywhere. Luckily for bioenergy…the future is bright, clean, green, renewable, and realistic. Thanks to someone stating the obvious…plants work to scrub the carbon dioxide from our air, thus reducing the pollution in our atmosphere. If we use biomass/bioenergy we can plant more crops and other green organic life, which will do just that…and a good idea has risen, prep and use the land that once produced oil and grow the green material need to produce biomass/bioenergy!

Biomass uses renewable natural resources which is why it is considered green energy and we have an endless supply of it everywhere we look. Just like the power we consume from the sun or the wind, they are all renewed naturally and independently.

We have the green technology to generate power without causing harm to our environment…we just need to muster the willingness to take the next step and make it happen.

Learn more about living a greener lifestyle, stay up to date on green related news, see reviews on products/services, and tips all provided to you free from in order to help you express your green lifestyle. So save the planet, save some money, and feel good…check out today!

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