Biodiesel News

Biodiesel News

Diesel fuel that is made up of a mixture with animal fat or vegetable oil is called biodiesel. This is a more environmentally conscious way to fuel machinery, trains and vehicles and is produced by the chemical reaction of the vegetable oil or animal fat with an alcohol. There are many uses for this new fuel, and can also be used as heating oil if you are looking for a low carbon version. It can also come on one hundred percent pure form, known as B100 or it can be mixed with petrodiesel. This option is often times used in gas stations for daily vehicle use, and may typically be cheaper then your normal gas choice, depending on your location.

Biodiesel can possibly eat away at gaskets and other natural rubber parts in vehicles made prior to 1992, and may cause clogged fuel filters so if you switch to one of these new blends of gasoline, it is advised you change your fuel filters also. This new found fuel is used worldwide and is becoming increasingly popular, especially for cities with mass transit options such as subways, train railways and aircraft. In 2007, McDonald’s even claimed they would start making this fuel out of the waste oil from their restaurants! This fuel that they have made themselves is now what fires up their fleet of delivery trucks, etc.

Also in 2007, Virgin Trains of Britain ran it’s first train fueled by one hundred percent biodiesel, in which The Prince of Wales participated as one of the first passengers. To this day they still continue to run and successfully operate this train, and yes, it still fuels itself with one hundred B100. Shortly after this epic journey, Disneyland began running all of their trains on their own manufactured and re-used cooking oils. This makes you feel good about their sometimes pricey hotels and restaurants, because you are supporting a company that cares for our earth!

This amazing, environmentally safe fuel has reached a production rate of almost four million tons per year, and about eighty five percent of that came from Europe! Some of the prices are obviously more expensive then others…depending on the area of the world you are in. In 2007, biodiesel was about twelve cents cheaper in the United States then the other offered gas blends. In today’s market, with the rise in diesel prices, this fuel may be up to fifteen cents higher then it’s competitors but it is certainly worth the higher price tag. Not only will this fuel make you a more environmentally savvy citizen, but it will allow you to make those extra road trips with out feeling guilty about the pollution you are causing.

Alexander Sutton enjoys the entire consumer experience from top to bottom and enjoys the opportunity to help others protect themselves from scams while uncovering budget-friendly solutions across a variety of industries. For more information, please visit Biodiesel.

A Practical Way To Power Your Home With Biofuel


Many people have been lead to believe that using biofuel and other forms of alternative energy is impractical and not economical. For most, it’s just an idea that will hopefully be available in the future. But many people are already using a form of biofuel in their homes that is not talked about much.

For thousands of years this fuel has been used. It is very abundant in some places and in a lot of cases over abundant. what I am talking about is wood. Wood sometimes has a bad reputation because to many the idea of burning wood sounds like it would be bad for the environment.

When many people, who are concerned about the environment, think of burning wood, the first things they think about is smoke and clearing forests to get the wood. Smoke from wood stoves and fireplaces can be a problem, especially in urban areas and areas with poor air circulation like valleys.

Modern wood stoves have come a long way in helping the air pollution problem.

Many of them now can burn with very little if any visible smoke. And a more practical way for most people to use wood as fuel is to burn wood pellets. Pellets burn clean and are almost as convenient to use and install as a gas or electric furnace.

As far as destroying forests to burn for energy, it really isn’t happening in the modern industrialized world. There is plenty of waste wood from the wood products industry and forest enhancement projects that is not being utilized. The forest products industry knows that most larger trees are too valuable for other products to be cutting them down to make firewood or wood pellets.

Most of our forests have way too many trees to begin with.

From past mismanagement and other factors, our forests have become severely overcrowded. Trees have to compete with each other which slows their growth and makes them more vulnerable to fire and disease. In thinning operations, foresters will leave the bigger healthy trees and remove the competing smaller and slower growing trees. Many of these are too small or not the right quality for making lumber and other products.

This small low grade material can be ideal for making firewood or pellets. Unfortunately the demand is not great enough to utilize all this material. Most of it ends up being burned on site or left to rot. If more people would start heating their homes with pellets, this material could be used instead of going to waste. Whether it is burned in your home, in the forest or left to rot, either way the CO2 is released into the atmosphere. So we might as well be extracting the energy from it instead of burning non renewable fossil fuels.

Burning wood may not be for everyone, but burning wood pellets may be feasible for most. If you are interested in using alternative energy, do some research into wood pellets or a wood stove.

Learn more about firewood including how to measure a cord of wood.

Learn the differences between using firewood logs and wood pellets. Discover the process of making wood pellets.

Power Your Home With Biofuel

Biomass Energy – Not Just “Another Option”

When most people think of alternative sources of power, they think immediately of solar power or of windmills and wind power. However, there is actually another option for renewable, Earth-friendly energy. And it is one that has both been around longer than solar and wind power and one that, for a long time, supplied more renewable power than solar power and wind energy combined. This source of power is biomass energy.

Biomass energy (BE) is energy that comes from “biomass,” which is made up of material from plants as well as from animal wastes. Biomass power is one of the oldest sources of power. It is completely renewable because the sun provides energy for biomass power. It is also easy to grow and produce more biomass.

Sources of Biomass Energy

Because biomass is simply material from plants and animals and other organic waste products, there are a number of different sources of biomass. Some examples include residue from crops, sludge created by various organic waste products, scrap paper from paper mills, waste products and unused materials from recycling centers, and leftover scrap wood.

These things exist in abundance and can be readily reproduced and recreated, which is a large part of why BE is considered such a great source of renewable energy.

Various Uses of Biomass

Biomass can be put to use in a number of different ways. For example, biomass fuels can be burned in order to release natural heat energy, which you can subsequently harness. If you are already operating a coal-fired power plant, biomass power can be easily implemented into your existing plant by instituting a process called “co-firing.” Co-firing allows you to burn other products, such as biomass, in addition to coal.

Biomass power can also be used by people who operate any type of business that creates organic waste. Those operating such a facility can easily harness the power of waste products – ranging from paper mills to farms producing animal and plant waste products. These wastes can be used to create your own power, keeping the waste out of the landfill and helping to save money that might otherwise be spent on electricity.

Benefits of Biomass Energy

Aside from just being renewable and being good for the Earth, there are also plenty of other reasons to take advantage of BE.

Customers who are “green-conscious” may be more interested in buying products or using services from a “green” company that makes use of renewable energy.

Biomass energy is also convenient, helps to recycle carbon dioxide, is reliable, and can keep help make sure waste doesn’t end up in landfills. Finally and perhaps most importantly, the use of BE is one small step in breaking free of the U.S. reliance on foreign oil.

There is a lot to gain from BE and, because it is safe and reliable, there is little if anything to lose.

Know more about Biomass Energy and Biomass Fuels at

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