An Introduction to Biomass Fuels

Do you dream of creating biomass power? If so, it’s important that you have a firm understanding of biomass fuels. The following should provide you with enough information to get you started on the path to generating clean, green power.

• Biomass fuels burn cleaner than fossil fuels—As everyone knows, burning fossil fuels pollutes the Earth’s atmosphere. But when you burn biomass fuels, you join the good fight against global warming. This is due to the fact that burning biomass fuel recycles carbon dioxide already in the carbon cycle, as opposed to burning coal, which releases carbon stored eons ago.  As a result, you produce less noxious fumes to pollute our air when you burn biomass. And not only that, but you will also positively affect your public perception. Everyone loves a “Green” company. 

• They’re one of the most reliable alternative energy fuel sources—One worry many people have when switching to alternative energy sources is their perceived lack of reliability.

Let’s face it—no one has found a fool-proof plan for harnessing the energy of the sun, making solar energy unreliable. The solar cells simply do not operate with a high level of efficiency. And when it comes to harnessing wind energy, you just can’t predict wind patterns well enough to rely on it as your sole energy source. However, with biomass it’s different. One of the biggest advantages to burning biomass fuels is that the raw materials needed are always being produced in the timber harvest process, where it’s called “waste.”

• You need to match proper biomass technology to your biomass fuel sources—Some people fail when it comes to using biomass fuels. And usually it’s for one simple reason—they don’t have the correct technology to properly process it. That’s why it’s a good idea to hire a biomass energy company experienced in analyzing raw materials and matching them with proper technology.

• A biomass energy engineering company can help you turn your ideas into money—You stand to benefit from doing business with a biomass energy company. That said, you need to make sure you pick one that has plenty of experience. There are lots of fly-by-night companies out there, but you want one that has been dealing with biomass fuels for decades. They’ll know how to handle all aspects of your project, ensuring financial success.

• Biomass fuels can be burned with fossil fuels through the process of co-firing—Some people think they can’t use biomass fuels because they own pre-existing power plants that burn coal or other fossil fuels. If that describes your line of thinking, then you need to look into co-firing. This option allows you to continue burning fossil fuels while simultaneously burning biomass fuels. The result? You cut down on fossil fuel use and can meet changing government energy regulations. There’s no need to build new facilities. You just adapt the system you already have in place.

Still interested? If so, the next step is a simple one. Find a biomass energy company that can help get you started.

Learn more about biomass energy and biomass technology at EvergreenEngineering.Com.

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