How Does Renewable Energy Meet Our Future Energy Needs?

The question of how we are going to meet our future energy needs is something that all energy suppliers have been thinking about for years and are now working out. With the five main sources of renewable energy already being tapped to create the electricity that we need more and more and crops like corn and soybeans being used to create the biofuels that are being used more and more there is no doubt that we will never run out of electricity or fuels to run our vehicles. The main question here is this: can we get rid of our long dependence on fossil fuels and switch totally over to the renewable energy sources that will more than meet our future energy needs? Let’s look at how each of the renewable energy sources will meet out future energy needs.

Solar Energy

Solar energy is one of the most useable and abundant of the renewable energy sources that we have on this planet. The next question that is likely to be coming is how viable is solar power as a future energy source when the Sun’s core will burn out in time thus rendering it useless. Well, put it this way, the Sun’s core will not be burning out any times in the next 100, 1,000 or even 10,000 years! It will take more like a few hundred thousand or a few million years before the Sun even gets close to extinction and goes supernova.

Wind Power

Given the fact that the wind the drives our weather patterns is so prevalent, there really is no question as to how viable wind power is as a future energy provider! As it is, wind power already provides a great deal of the fuel that powers many electric plants. This is why we have been seeing wind turbines popping up all over the place in the past few years. What do you think the wind mills in Holland and the Netherlands are there for? These wind mills aren’t only for decoration; they are actually part of the plan to harness the power of the wind to meet the future energy needs of that area of Europe.

Water/Hydroelectric Power

Using the power of water and waterfalls in creating hydroelectric power is one of the future energy sources that no one can really say is not that effective. When you stop to think about the pure, sheer power that running water possesses and passes along to us in the form of currents; it is any surprise that this renewable energy source is also one of the most dependable sources for our future energy needs? Only having all of the water evaporating and bodies of water disappear will change this.


Biofuels are another great renewable source that can easily meet our future energy needs. This is due to the fact that biofuels are made from corn, soybeans/soybean oil and vegetable oil. How’s that for renewable energy folks?!

For more information check out my Squidoo lens renewable energy.

Renewable energy is our future so check out my blogs for way you can create your own renewable energy [].

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