Biomass Energy – Not Just “Another Option”

When most people think of alternative sources of power, they think immediately of solar power or of windmills and wind power. However, there is actually another option for renewable, Earth-friendly energy. And it is one that has both been around longer than solar and wind power and one that, for a long time, supplied more renewable power than solar power and wind energy combined. This source of power is biomass energy.

Biomass energy (BE) is energy that comes from “biomass,” which is made up of material from plants as well as from animal wastes. Biomass power is one of the oldest sources of power. It is completely renewable because the sun provides energy for biomass power. It is also easy to grow and produce more biomass.

Sources of Biomass Energy

Because biomass is simply material from plants and animals and other organic waste products, there are a number of different sources of biomass. Some examples include residue from crops, sludge created by various organic waste products, scrap paper from paper mills, waste products and unused materials from recycling centers, and leftover scrap wood.

These things exist in abundance and can be readily reproduced and recreated, which is a large part of why BE is considered such a great source of renewable energy.

Various Uses of Biomass

Biomass can be put to use in a number of different ways. For example, biomass fuels can be burned in order to release natural heat energy, which you can subsequently harness. If you are already operating a coal-fired power plant, biomass power can be easily implemented into your existing plant by instituting a process called “co-firing.” Co-firing allows you to burn other products, such as biomass, in addition to coal.

Biomass power can also be used by people who operate any type of business that creates organic waste. Those operating such a facility can easily harness the power of waste products – ranging from paper mills to farms producing animal and plant waste products. These wastes can be used to create your own power, keeping the waste out of the landfill and helping to save money that might otherwise be spent on electricity.

Benefits of Biomass Energy

Aside from just being renewable and being good for the Earth, there are also plenty of other reasons to take advantage of BE.

Customers who are “green-conscious” may be more interested in buying products or using services from a “green” company that makes use of renewable energy.

Biomass energy is also convenient, helps to recycle carbon dioxide, is reliable, and can keep help make sure waste doesn’t end up in landfills. Finally and perhaps most importantly, the use of BE is one small step in breaking free of the U.S. reliance on foreign oil.

There is a lot to gain from BE and, because it is safe and reliable, there is little if anything to lose.

Know more about Biomass Energy and Biomass Fuels at

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